Chapter One

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       So after, when he whispers, " You love me. Real or not real?"

       I tell him, " Real."

       I pull my eyes away from the burning embers of the fireplace to look at Peeta. He sits next to me, legs crossed. He's already watching me, and he's smiling. It's a happy smile, but it's also an unbelieving smile. I untuck my legs from under my chin, and sit to face him, taking his warmer, larger hands in my smaller, colder ones. He turns to face me fully.

        " I do," I say, " I love you so much, Peeta. I'm just sorry it took me this long to tell you. . ."

        " Katniss. . ." says Peeta, looking down at our hands. " You don't n-"

        I cut him off. " No, you need to hear this. I'm scared, Peeta. I'm scared to be telling you that it's real, that I love you. But I also have hope, and you are that hope. You give me hope, Peeta. And I've loved you for so long, but I let that fear take over. But I won't let it anymore, I want my hope forever. I want you forever."

        Peeta grins. " Katniss, I love you too."                

        I'm swept off my feet by him, as he gathers me in an almighty hug and whirls me round and round. I giggle, and he laughs as he places me on my feet. I stare into his big eyes, and his smile goes, but it's replaced by a burning curiousity. He glances down at my lips, and then he looks back up at my eyes, asking for permission. I watch his eyes as I nod slowly, and then he swoops down and presses a firm kiss to my lips. I kiss him back, and I feel that burning again. That desire I felt on the beach. It comes from the pit of my soul and reaches out into my heart and my head and the very tips of my toes until I'm dizzy.

        Peeta is the one to break away from the kiss, while I'm left longing for him to continue. He presses his forehead to mine, and wraps his strong arms around my waist, and I put him round his neck. He moves in again, and kisses me softly once more. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck and he sways me for a while.

        " I love you so much, Katniss," says Peeta.

        " I love you too," I whisper, voice muffled.

        " You don't have to be scared. I'll never let anything happen to you."

        " I know," I say, my voice breaking.

        " I'm glad," he tells me, placing a kiss to my head. My eyelids begin to get heavy, and I can feel myself being lifted from my feet. I'm wrapped in Peeta's arms, head on his shoulder, as he carries me upstairs. I try to make it all the way up, but soon I'm too drowsy, and I drift off to sleep as he carries us to bed.

                                                    -                    -                      -

        I blink my eyes, and then open them wide. The covers of the bed are swaddled round me, and Peeta has barely any. I break into a smile when I realise my face is on his chest, one of his arms wrapped round me. He's obviously still asleep, so I gently move his arm and stand up. I stretch out, letting out a yawn, then I change into brown combat jeans, a forest green shirt, and my fathers hunting jacket in a different room. What if he woke up while I was getting changed?

        Peeta is normally an early-bird too, because he likes to help with the building of the new bakery - it was his idea to build it, but it is unlear if he will be the owner yet - but I guess he was really tired from our talk last night. I'm still tired too, but I always get up early. Normally the nightmares wake me up in the middle of the night and I don't sleep after, but I didn't have any last night.

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