Prologue: The Beginning Of The Story

Start from the beginning

"Anyways, out of the tar came the boy made of tar, he called himself "Tarboy," and boy was he mad."

"All of his mind was filled with the pain of millions of robot slaves." the grandfather continued, as Billy listened quietly to him.

"For he was them, a million murdered robot souls and every one of them wanting revenge."

A moment of silence as Billy felt more curious by the minute.

"So what happens then?" Billy asked, sounding curious.

"A fantastic, blastic, elastical battle between the rich and the Tarboy!" the grandfather exclaimed happily as if he had seen it all with his own eyes.

"You wanna hear about a real hero, Billy?"

Billy only replied by scooting down into his bed from underneath the covers, shaking his head side to side, as if he is saying, no, quietly as he listened to his grandfather.

"It all began at the water cooler," the grandfather began, before his memory as he fondly remembers came to him.

A flashback happened and it showed three people, one of them talking while smoking a cigarette, as the other two was listening to him until he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, and sarcastically said something, making the other two laugh with him, about his joke that he said.

Meanwhile, two black hands connected to arms opened a value that leads to the water cooler, squeezing through the tight opening and going through the pipe.

The guy in the middle continued talking, and one of the guys poured himself a cup of water from the water cooler, which is filling up with tar, as one of them glanced back at the one that was talking, blinking in confusion.

Then, the mysterious liquid inside started to bubble up more, splattering a bit along the sides, as the three robots backed up in fear when all three noticed the tar inside the water cooler, worried about what could lurk inside that water cooler.

Suddenly, the water cooler exploded, as something launched right out of it, landing behind the three of them, growling fiercely at them when its head whipped around at them, as the three of them screamed in horror, as their screams sounded like an electronic shriek when eye to eye with the creature.

Tarboy attacked the other two of the coworkers, like the one that was talking escaped, screaming like a little girl as he left the two with Tarboy, as he destroyed the two.

Then, three guard robots appeared and got ready to attack Tarboy, as Tarboy got ready to attack back.

But failed since Tarboy is stronger than anyone else that has typically met him, as the robot that was merely talking to the other two that unfortunately didn't survive from the fierce attack, escaped into the building, as Tarboy followed after him.

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