Chapter 43: Is This the End?

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Tikaani's POV:

"You need to quit being so down on yourself, Miss Mopey-pants." Red chastised, as she sat on the step next to mine and handed me a watermelon with juice on the inside. Red and I were sitting a few steps above everyone else, but Katara turned her head when Red said it, and Toph also seemed to shift her focus a bit. Jet and Sokka were sitting at the bottom of the staircase discussing something with one another, Ryuu and Zuko were focusing on training Aang's firebending skills, and Suki was watching boredly.

"I'm not being mopey." I responded, taking the watermelon. I looked into it and watched the juice swish around. When I looked up, Katara, Suki, and Red were all staring at me. "What?"

"I have noticed you acting a little strange recently." Katara observed, seeming worried.

"I'm just--" I began to speak, but was interrupted by Aang's loud firebending roar. Momo scurried behind Zuko's legs, frightened by Aang's supposed furiosity. I miss Muu.

"You've been training all morning." Katara called out from where she had just finished mixing three more watermelons full of juice. "Why don't you take a break to enjoy a nice, cool glass of watermelon juice?"

"Ooh, ooh!" Aang cried out, his eyes widening as he saw the watermelon juice. "Me, me me!" He began running towards Katara and the outstretched watermelon.

"Hey! You're lesson's not over yet! Get back here!" Zuko exclaimed as he grabbed Aang by the back of his airbending clothing and held him a few feet off the ground.

"Will drink watermelon juice after today's training." Ryuu added sternly, surprising since he was usually the lenient one during training.

"Come on, guys. Just take a break." Suki responded nonchalantly, shrugging. "What's the big deal?"

Ryuu gave Suki a confused look. "What's the big deal? What's the big deal?" Upon repeating the question, the confusion in his voice was replaced anger. Katara frowned, looking a little concerned. "Sozin's Comet is only three days away."

"Ryuu understands my point." Zuko let Aang go and he immediately raced over to Katara and grabbed a watermelon juice, chugging it down thirstily. By this point, however, everyone was staring at Ryuu and Zuko. We had discussed waiting until after Sozin's Comet a few days ago; Ryuu and Zuko hadn't been in attendance. I'm glad Ryuu brought it up now instead of waiting for the beach party attack.

Katara looked down guiltily. "About that... We all decided that it would be better for Aang to wait until after the comet to fight the Fire Lord." Zuko's eye widened in shock as he looked at all of us. His gaze finally fixed on me. I should have told him.

Aang stopped sipping his watermelon juice to peak for a moment. "I'm not ready to fight the Fire Lord now." When he started sipping again, the straw struggled vainly for more juice--the watermelon was empty. "I need more time to master my firebending."

"Your earthbending could use some work too." Toph pointed out, sitting up from where she had been laying on the stairs. "Got any more of that juice?"

Zuko blinked incredulously, his gaze turning away from me as he eyed the others. "So you all knew about this?"

"Pretty much." Jet responded nonchalantly. "We discussed it the other day while you and Ryuu were out shopping for food."

"Honestly, if Aang tries to fight the Fire Lord now, he's going to lose." Sokka declared, earning him some harsh glares from Suki, Katara, and Red. Aang looked hurt. "No offense."

"Saying no offense after offending someone does not render the comment any less offensive." Red chastised, shooting Sokka a threatening look.

"Can we focus on the subject?" Ryuu demanded, looking frustrated as he stepped forward. Everyone turned their attention towards him, surprised by his tone of voice. Ever since getting his memories back, Ryuu hadn't been as angry as he was when he was hunting us. It wasn't part of his personality. I assumed he was acting--anyone would be upset in his position. "I get not telling us about this new plan, but... Aang has to fight the Fire Lord before the comet."

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