Chapter 6: Avatar Roku

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Tikaani's POV:

"Let's go, Appa, come on, boy!" Aang tugged on Appa's reins, but the Sky bison let out a roar of protest before sitting down. "Look, I'm sorry, but Katara, Sokka and Tikaani aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgive myself. So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"

"Go where, exactly?" I asked, walking out of the shadows. Aang jumped and whipped around. I smiled and walked out of the shadows, Katara and Sokka following me. "You can't go to the Fire Nation alone."

"The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation." Katara added. "And neither can I..."

"But I have to talk to avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today!" Aang jumped onto Appa's head. Appa began to walk forward, but Katara and Sokka stepped in front of him. While Aang was distracted I climbed into the saddle.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang!" Katara shouted.

"Unless we can come to." I chimed in. Aang whipped around to see me lounging in the saddle with my feet propped against the edge.

"We've got your back." Sokka continued. Momo flew over to Aang and the young airbender smiled. Appa licked Sokka. "Ewe!" He cried. Katara and I laughed and we made our way onto the saddle. A young man stopped us and handed us some supplies before wishing us luck on our journey.

"Yip, yip!" Aang called, flicking Appa's reins. The bison lifted into the air and we began our journey to the crescent shaped island.

Ryuu's POV:

"Is this the place?" Zuko asked, looking around at the smashed houses. The only building still a hundred percent in tact was the large building in the center of the tow, which appeared to be the town hall. This was most definitely the place.

"Yeah. He was here." I replied. I didn't know why Zuko was so obsessed with finding the avatar, but Iroh had just convinced him to start paying me! Sure, it was only a little, but it was better than what I have now- nothing. Prince Zuko leaped down from his komodo rhino and started prowling around the town. He looked around at the ruins. "And it looks like he got into a fight with someone while he was here." I observed.

"Hush!" Zuko snapped. He was looking toward the town hall. He slowly walked over and just as he did so, the door opened. A villager stepped out. His eyes widened with surprise when he saw the Fire Nation Prince standing there. "Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko asked. He shoved the guy to the ground. "Seen the avatar lately?"

"For a second I thought you were going to ask him how the whether was."

* * *

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters? Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!" Iroh chastised Zuko as we neared Fire Nation waters.

"Is the avatar so important that we need to take such a risk?" I asked.

"I have no choice, uncle!" Zuko completely ignored me.

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?" Iroh snapped. He was angrier than I had ever seen him. "What if you are caught?"

"You won't be the only one in trouble!" I piped up. "He could have all of us punished for your stupidity!"

"I'm chasing the avatar! My father will understand why I am returning home!" He countered. Iroh shook his head slowly.

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