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Josh's POV

Me and Simon have gotten a lot closer over the last year, we both separated with our girlfriends and one day Simon came into my room. He wanted a hug and so I decided to console him as he was upset and it's kinda stuck, everyday we will probably end up cuddling or we'll just hang out. People are starting to think we're together which I can understand and I do love Simon but I don't know about in a relationship type of way. I'm still trying to figure it out.

I take a trip to his room and see him editing, I knock on his open door just letting him know I'm here. "Hey Si."
He spins around "Hey Joshy." He smiles,
I walk over and loosely put my arms round his shoulders "You okay?" I ask running a hand though his hair,
"Yeah." He sighs "A little stressed."
"Same man."
He smiles and stands up as I open my arms, he walks into my embrace as I hold him close. Even though he's taller than me he likes to act likes he smaller than me, especially if we cuddle on his bed. I rub my hand up his back, we can both tell each other's emotions really well I guess that's another thing that brought us closer. Whenever Simons upset or down I know and when he's happy or excited I also can tell. He puts his face in my neck "Can we cuddle?" He mumbles,
"Come on." I smiles taking his hand leading us to his bed. We both lay down and he tangles our legs as well as connecting to my side his head on my chest. I kiss the top of his head letting him know I care, pulling his cover over us he gets more comfy and I can't help but smile at his adorableness. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
"Sure Si." I nod,
"Love you." He giggles, I press a kiss to his cheek and he blushes trying to hide his face "Why'd you do that?"
"Because I wanted to." I say simply,
He blushes deeper "T-thanks."
"Want me to do it again." I tease,
I see him ever so slightly nod, I'm pretty sure he was trying to hide it but I don't care and kiss his cheek again leaving my lips there for a while. I can tell he liked it "Josh." He whines,
I chuckle "Love you too." I whisper in his ear,
"Really?" He asks shocked,
"Yeah. Will you be my boyfriend?" I say calmly,
He nods vigorously "Yes!"
This time I smash our lips together making him gasp but he soon melts into it, as we pull away he smiles "I've been wanting you to do that since the day we met."
"What? Really?!"
"Yeah, when I first saw you my heart also flew out of my chest. But when I knew you had a Freya I was crushed and so I made myself believe I was straight even though my feelings were strong for you. Then when I met Talia I was in love with her, yet there has always been a feeling for you in my heart."
I pull him close "Oh Si, I'm sorry I made you go through that."
"It's okay Joshy, But I guess dreams do come true."
We both laugh as I kiss him again "I'll make them years up to you. I don think I'm gonna lose you anytime soon."
He smiles "Good."

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