Good memories

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3rd Person

Small almost silent sniffles came from Josh's room as he tried to hold back his tears. Him and Freya decided to separate as there relationship had changed and was not what it used to be, when Josh got back home he rushed into his room and sat at his desk. He was going through old YouTube videos and managed to get lost in the 'Random Games' series he and Simon used to do. This made the poor boy more upset as he realised how close and in love he was to Simon...

On the other side of the house Simon was also conveniently scrolling through Instagram, he was also lost in old memories of him and Josh. He was watching Minizerk edits he had found from being tagged in many, the Boy didn't realise how much people actually loved when the duo would record together. A small smile placed on his face as he watched how much they had grown, together. Simon decided to go and see Josh as he heard him enter the house. He didn't think anything of the fact that Josh had run into the house and straight into his room to cry, but when he knocked lightly on the door and peered inside his heart broke at the sight...

Josh's POV

"Josh?" I heard quietly as I close the page on my computer rather quickly,
"Hey." I reply trying to sound happy but not facing Simon,
I hear him sit down on my bed "What's wrong?" He asks concern in his voice,
"Nothing." I Lie,
"Why won't you look at me." He lightly laughs,
I sigh wiping my face and spinning around flashing him a smile "Sorry."
His face softens as he stands up and comes to crouch in front of me "Something's happened." He states,
"How'd you know?"
"You never cry Josh."
"I'm not cr-" he cuts me off,
"Hey it's okay." He says placing his hand on top of mine as I instantly relax "Come sit next to me."
I do so sitting on the bed and he hops on crossing his legs facing me with sympathy in his face "Did something happen between you and Freya?"
I nod slowly "We decided it would be best to separate."
"Oh Josh." He says pulling me into his arms as I break down my tears wetting his hoodie. He rubs my back and whispers softly in my ear that it'll be okay and I believe him "W-When I got b-back I somehow m-managed to find m-myself looking at old videos of us l-like the random g-games." I stutter,
He lightly laughs "I somehow manage to find myself looking at Minizerk video edits on Instagram, I didn't know the fans like our videos together that much."
"Coincidence?" I try to laugh,
"Must be." He says making me look at him. He wipes my tears away and rest his hand on my cheek "I want to help."
I look deep into his eyes, noticing they're full of love and my heart flutters. I lean forward and within a few seconds his lips are on mine, they fit perfectly unlike when I kissed Freya. It was so different but so... Perfect.

We pull away a blush on both our faces "I've wanted you to do that for so long." He says,
"I'm glad I did." I smile pulling him into my arms "Thank you."
"For what?" He says,
"Making me realise you're the one person I need in my life and for showing me that I'm deeply in love with you Simon Minter."
"I love you too Josh." He says as I press our lips together once again my phone buzzes making me pull away. I look at it to see Freya's tweeted out saying we've split up and I become sad again but I look to Simon and the sadness fades. I charge at him so he falls back onto the bed and I tackle him into a hug as he adorably giggles underneath me. "Hey at least we made the Minizerk fans happy." He says,
I roll my eyes playfully "Guess You're right."

The next morning- Simons POV

I wake up to someone with a secure grip around me, but then I realise and turn my head seeing a sleeping Josh. I watch the gorgeous man sleep looking at his neatly trim beard and his hair swept messily to the side, his lips ever so slightly opening and closing as he breathes. How'd I get so lucky?

He begins to stir so I stroke his hair out of his eyes, he smiles "Morning beautiful."
I go weak at his rough morning voice and the compliment "Morning." I say pecking his lips. He removes his arms and I pout but he stretches with a yawn so I let him off as he soon hugs me again "You're the cutest."
I blush "You're gorgeous."
He blushes and we both laugh "Should we record a video together for our channels as a little teaser for the fans? I don't want to tell them yet as they might think I got over Freya really quick or I cheated on her."
"Yeah I get you, but you did move on pretty quick." I smirk,
"Well I have kinda liked you for quite a while, but I was pushing away my feelings."
"I've loved you for about two years, think about I feel." I laugh,
"Yep, the random games with you, that's when you stole my heart." I say honestly,
"Oh Simon I'm sorry I had to put you through that."
"No no it's okay don't blame yourself, you had a girlfriend and I understood."
"You're so amazing."
"Thank you Joshy." I blush.

After we had recorded some games videos with the guys and a few main channel videos as well as parts for my vlogs. I was now downstairs having some very late dinner as the time is 3am but this is normal for us, I new Josh would be awake as we still have our dinner together even since we've been in the new house. As I'm making pasta a pair of arms snake round my waist "What you making?"
"Just pasta I'm too tired to make anything else." I chuckle,
"Same it's been a busy day."
"It has." I smile spinning around as he pecks my lips,
Suddenly we hear a small "Aww" come from the door we both spin around to see Jide. "JJ what are you doing back?" Josh asks
"I decided to come back tonight rather than tomorrow but I thought everyone would be asleep, but instead I found you too lovebirds."
"Don't say anything for now Jide please." I say,
"I will. When did this happen?"
"Yesterday night, Me and Freya separated as our relationship was falling apart. I came home upset and somehow managed watching our Random Games videos, then Simon came into my room and we kinda said how we both loved each other and so now we're together." Josh laughs pulling me close,
"I knew you pair would get together eventually. To be honest you acted like a couple I guess Freya was just kinda in the way." He laughs "Sorry Josh."
"It's all good, but thank you JJ it means a lot."
"No worries bro, take care of Simon yeah?" He smiles at me,
"Of course." Josh smiles as JJ comes and pulls us both into a hug,
"I'm going to bed now, Goodnight!"
"Night!" We both say.
"He's the best." I smile,
"He is, he has a good heart." Josh replies as I rest my head on his shoulder.

After we've eaten we go up to my room to sleep, Josh pulls his t-shirt off and I feel my face flush. He spins around "Do you mind?" He asks innocently,
"No of course not, but can I do the same?"
"If you're comfortable." He smiles as I pull my t-shirt off, his eyes hungrily eyes up my body. He pulls me into his arms "Beautiful."
"Handsome." I reply as we jump into bed. I intertwine our legs together and face Josh as he places his hand on my side and the other he runs his fingers through my hair. "Love you Si." He says kissing my forehead,
"Love you too Joshy, Goodnight."
"Night Love." I hear as I drift to sleep, seeming as this started off as me going through old memories. There are many more good memories to come and we're gonna do it together which is even better!

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