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Simons POV

On my way to my local barbers to get my hair died and cut, I had been going to this place for about a year now and had become quite close to the man who owns the place. Josh he was openly gay and quite feminine, but had a punk type look. You couldn't tell he was gay until he spoke but that's what made us close, he helped me to come out to my family and friends that I was also gay. Luckily all went well.

As I pull up to the little shop decorated in a vintage style, I take off my glasses and get out my car opening the door as the little bell jungles to signal someone's entered. I look around to see it's empty which isn't unusual, it's a quiet area. "Hello?!" I ask loudly,
I then see the one and only Josh walk round the corner "Hey puddin!" He says cheerfully,
"Hey, how are you?" I ask,
"I'm good thank you, got an easy day today not many appointments. What can I do for you today Hun?"
"I wanna dye it again and get a bit of a trim." I say pointing to my roots where the brown is coming back through,
"Alright that's simple, take a seat. Want a drink or anything?"
"I'll just have a water." I smile,
"I do have Dr. Pepper." He grins,
"Did you just offer me Dr. Pepper? The Josh Bradley just offered me his precious drink." I laugh,
"Oh Shh." He chuckles "Want one or not?"
"Go on then." I grin
He passes me the gown and goes into the little kitchen area, I put the gown on and sit on the chair. Having a quick look at my phone before I hear Josh's footsteps, closing my phone he places a hand on my shoulder and place the can in front of me "Thank you." I smile at him through the mirror, he smiles back and runs his fingers through my hair styling it out. "Your hair is lovely and soft as usual." He says, "What colour we going for today Hun?"
"I'm thinking like a dark grey almost black or kinda like your colour." I reply,
"Why the change of heart on the silver?"
"Basically because it kept going to like a white, fans were saying it looked like fucking cum in my hair." I laugh,
He laughs "I understand now."
"Yeah." I say stretching out the 'ah' sound,

After about 40 minutes he's done the dye and now just needs to wash it out, I stand up and follow him to wash basins. He puts a towel over my shoulders and I put my head in the basin. Switching on the shower as he massages my head getting out all the dye, I close my eyes as I relax his fingers working magic. Before I almost fall asleep at how nice it feels, the shower turns off "There we go Hun it's all out."
"Great, I almost fell asleep." I giggle,
"I have a great touch." He smirks,
I blush slightly as he helps me up and we walk back into the main room, I take a seat again as I watch him getting scissors, combs etc. I look at him, his neatly trimmed beard, his raven coloured hair, the emerald green eyes that shine whenever he laughs or smiles, then you have the simple black earrings he wears as well as the matching black snake bites on his bottom lip. "Like what you see Hun?" He chuckles with a smirk,
I blush with embarrassment as I look down playing with my hands, he lifts up my head and gives me a loving smile. I feel myself relax and he begins to sort out my hair.

"Tan dah!" He says as he finishes styling my hair,
"It looks amazing thank you Joshy."
"You're welcome Puddin!"
"How much do I owe you?" I ask getting out my wallet but he stops me,
"I don't want money." He says as I tilt my head confused, he chuckles and cups my cheek before he leans in. I freeze as his lips touch mine, but soon kiss back wrapping my arms round his neck, his hands find my waist and he pulls me close. We both pull away for air "That's my payment." He smirks,
I lightly hit his arm and lean into his side "I'm so happy you did that."
"I am too because I want you to be my boyfriend Si." He says,
I stare at him in shock "Of course I will!"
He pulls me into a tight embrace before pick me up and spinning us around, I wrap my legs round him as he holds me "You're so fucking gorgeous."
"You're adorable and gorgeous too." I reply
He puts me down but still holds me, "I don't have another appointment until an hour and that's my last wanna go upstairs?"
"Sure." I smile as we jog up the stairs into his little flat that combines with the shop, I go into the living room and he goes to the kitchen to let out his dog: Sooty. He's a little cross terrier who's very excitable when seeing people But is very loveable, he runs in and jumps on the sofa. "Hey Sooty!" I say stroking his jet black fur as he licks my hand, Josh soon follows and sits on the other side of me. I lean into his side as his arm wraps round me and Sooty lays in the gap between our legs, Josh kisses my head keeping his lips there for a few seconds before moving away and smiling at me.

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