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Josh's POV

Kon and Simon decided to go out in the snowy garden and take some pictures for Instagram. I offered to help take some photos but Simon told me to get some rest as I haven't been sleeping well lately. However when your eyes are caught by a certain gorgeous human you can't miss the opportunity.

So I'm sat staring at my boyfriend through the window and admiring him as well as slightly drooling I've started to notice. Ew. I wipe it away and watch his photogenic figure do its magic, he's just to gorgeous for this world and somehow I became extremely lucky to take him in as mine.

He notices me staring and winks blowing me a kiss, which and catch and press to my heart blowing one back. I see him laugh and Kon looks at him confused but then realises he was communicating with me. They continue the pictures and soon enough they make there way back inside, as they both enter they brush of some of the snow. Simon walks over and I cup his cold face "You looked so perfect."
"Thank you." He blushes as I peck his lips,
"I've got some great shots of you Simon and once I've done a bit of editing I'll send them all to you." Kon smiles at us,
"Cool that's great thanks man."
"Thanks for doing it Kon." I say
"No worries." He smiles and walks off.

"Joshy I'm cold." Simon whines,
"What'd you want baby, a bath or we get you into some warmer clothes or we wrap you up in some blankets?" I ask,
"All of the above." He giggles,
"I had a feeling you'd say that, come on." I smile leading him upstairs.

Once we're in his bedroom and I've started to run the bath he's snuggled into my side "Are you joining me?"
"Do you want me to?"
He nods "Please."
We stand up and go into the bathroom where the bath is now full of bubbles and about ready for us to go in. He strips down and so do I as I get in first, he climbs in after me and sighs "This is better."
He lays next to me "Do you need to wash?"
"No I went in the shower this morning."
"Oh so did I." I chuckle "This is just for warmth."
He nods "Love you."
I give him a sweet, short kiss "Love you too."

After Simons warmed up and out of the bath, he got into some warm clothes and is snuggled into my side on his bed. "I seen you drooling." He giggles,
"I-I was-wasn't." I stutter turning red,
"Aww Joshy!"
I peck his lips "You're just to gorgeous Baby boy."
Now it's his turn to blush "I'm so lucky to have you."
"I'm more lucky." I say as he straddles my waist and rests his head in the crook off my neck. I stroke his back "Warm now?"
He hums in response "We need to record."
"I know Bub, but I want a cuddle for ten minutes."
He giggles "Same."
I run my fingers through his hair as he sighs happily "I'll sleep with you tonight."
"Yay! And yeah you left me alone last night!"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep, you should've woke me up."
"I felt bad." He pouts,
"Extra cuddles tonight to make it up?"
"Sure, is like that."
I kiss the his hair and sit us both up, he spins around so his back is on my chest and I snake my arms around his front "Neck please." He says,
I smirk and lean down leaving loads of kisses on his neck, his rests in my shoulder so I have all access. Decided to give him a couple of love bites, he protests as the fans will see but I just laugh as he moans making me think differently. I pull away and push him off me standing up, he glares at me and I peck his lips before leaving the room.
"Fuck you Bradley."
"Love you Minter." I shout back,
"Ugh Love you too." I hear him giggle.

Soon enough I'm back in a Skype call with him and Simon whines about me leaving marks on his necks but the guys just laugh at him telling him that it's his own fault. He's so cute you gotta love him.

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