Stop Crying Princess

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A/N- This one-shot is based of when Simon said in a Until Dawn video that Josh picked him up when he was in trouble and passed out from being drunk. Also the title comes from when they were playing trials Simon was getting frustrated and was shouting and Josh says "Stop Crying Princess!"
Enjoy 🤗

Simons POV

I had been having a bad week and I decided to go out and drink away my sorrows, Bad Idea! I was stumbling around trying to find my way home as well as trying to hide from a guy who I had accidentally pissed off. I was getting more and more worked up as tears fell down my face, eventually giving up I lean against a wall and slide down it.

Grabbing my phone managing to tap on Josh's contact after a few rings he picks up "Si, baby where are you?!" He asks worriedly,
"P-please come get me I'm lost and drunk." I slur as well as sobbing,
"I'm coming do you have any idea where you are?"
"N-no." I cry,
"Stop crying princess I'm gonna find you."
"Please hurry."
"Princess do me a favour and look to see if you can see a road name."
"O-okay." I look around and notice a sign "Erm... *insert road name*."
"Okay baby I know where that is, I'll stay on the phone okay."
"I'm gonna pass o-" I stop as I loose consciousness,

Josh's POV

"Shit! Simon!" I shout through the phone but hear nothing. I speed through the streets off London just wanting to find him, I finally find the street so I slow down and I see a figure slumped against a wall. Stopping the car I run out and go to him "Si can you hear me?" I ask shaking him,
"Yes baby I'm here." I say picking him up as well as his phone,
"I'm so sorry." He cries,
"It's okay, I'm here now."
"I got lost because I accidentally pissed off a guy and I tried to get home but I was too disoriented." He sobs as I place him in the back of my car so he can lie down,
"Aww my poor baby, you're safe now." I say now back in the car and going home.

Once I've got back home, I pick him up again and carry him in my arms "Oh Si why did you leave and on your own." I sigh,
"I was having a bad week and I wasn't thinking straight I just wanted alcohol."
"You could of told me."
"I'm sorry." He says sadly,
"I'm just happy you're okay."
He nods "Can we go to bed?"
"Of course Baby." I reply not letting him out of my arms but he doesn't seem to bothered about it.

I place him on the bed and remove his clothes so he's in his boxers, then I do the same "Want anything?"
"Some water please."
I lean down and move his hair so I can kiss his forehead "I'll be right back."
Running back downstairs and getting him some water I jog back upstairs so I don't spill it and when I walk into his room I see him cuddled up to his giant teddy bear. It's the cutest thing ever, I wander over "Here's your water Si."
He takes it and drinks it all "Thank you Joshy but this teddy is a better cuddler than you." He giggles,
"Oh really well you can sleep on the floor then." I chuckle,
"No!" He says,
I laugh "Why you said you want the bear and not me?"
"Okay I want my Josh."
"Good." I smile picking him up and he snuggles into me, climbing into bed with him still attached I kiss his head. "Get some sleep and don't worry I'm not mad at you, just a little upset."
He nods "I won't do it again."
"Good boy." I chuckle as he slightly releases me to get more comfortable, his arms them reattach to me and I hold him close before he falls asleep.

Simons POV

I wake up the next morning with a huge headache and on my own which makes me sad, as I go to get up I see Josh walk in with a glass of water and some painkillers "Morning Baby Boy."
"Morning." I say my voice very rough,
"Oh you sound like you had a rough night." He jokes,
Rolling my eyes I tried to stifle a laugh "It wasn't fun."
He passes me the water and tablets, placing his hand on my forehead "I know Baby, I'm just glad you managed to ring me before you passes out."
I nod as he strokes my hair, I give him the now empty glass and he puts it in the bedside table. "Thank you."
"No worries." He smiles, "Do you remember replacing me with the bear?"
Confused "What?" I giggle,
"Well I went to get you some water as requested and when I came back upstairs you were cuddled against the big teddy bear saying he was better than me." He laughs,
"Oops sorry." I giggle,
"Well I did tell you that you can sleep on the floor if the bears better, but that soon changed you're mind."
I giggle again and give him a hug "Sowwy Joshy."
"You should be." He smiles and places me in his lap so my back is on his chest, his head rests on my shoulder and his arms around my waist.
"I'm never drinking that much again." I sigh "Well unless I'm with you."
"You promised me no more going out in your own."
"And I won't that was too scary."
"It was for me too, but you're safe now and that's all that matters."
"You're right." I say playing with my fingers,
He turns his head to kiss my temple as a smile comes onto my face "Wait a second why are you in clothes and I'm not?"
"Maybe because I've been awake and went downstairs." He says sarcastically,
"Oh yeah." I giggle as he gives me a gentle squeeze
"You goon."
"I'm not a goon!"
"You are."
"Fine but I'm your goon."
"Sure." He laughs kissing my shoulder "You starting to feel better?"
"Yes." I nod happily,
"Good, now is there anything you want to do today?" He asks "Except cuddles."
I pout "No I want cuddles."
"I'll cuddle you tonight but we need to record and I want to do something."
He begins tickling me and I try to get get away but he holds me as I laugh "Don't you call me a meanie again."
I continue laughing and struggling "But... you...are!"
He stops and I wriggle away, but he soon grabs me and pins me down giving me slobbery kisses "Joshy." I groan,
He stops and cuddles me as I instantly become happier "You know I love you."
"Of course and I love you."
He nibbles on my neck giving me little kisses as I let small moans fall from my mouth "Music to my ears."
I blush and snuggle into him, he taps my bum "Get dressed baby."
"No." I whine
"Yes."He mimics, I playfully roll my eyes and get up.

Josh's POV

As Si gets dressed I sit scrolling through my phone, once he's finished and freshened up I stand up and walk over to him wrapping my arms round his waist. I feel him relax and lean into me "Joshy I really can't be bothered to record today."
"I know you're hungover and you want to relax but it's only two videos you need to be up to date right?"
He nods "Yeah I guess it's not too bad."
"See positivity." I chuckle as he laughs
"Before you go a kiss?" He asks sweetly,
I nod and pull him into a passionate kiss taking him by surprise but he soon melts and his arms go round my neck. I pull away before things get too heated "Speak to you in a minute."
"Love you."
"Love you too." I smile going to my room.

Once I'm there I begin setting up everything to record and getting the guys in a Skype call, then the recording session begins.

Guys I've updated today as I've got a few prewritten and I'm writing loads based of videos and want to get them out around when the video was posted. 😁

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