Twenty-Nine: Ain't Thinking Bout You Tonight

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Christie POV

Me and Waldi have been going strong for a few weeks. No problems with us, I guess because we've know each I other for such a long time.There probably isn't anything that I could tell him that he doesn't already know. It's almost sad actually, laughing to myself thinking about our relationship. I looked to Marv who was smiling at Brooke as she danced within the crowd. I'm not one to judge, but I would have never put them together.

Marv is like the annoying little brother that you never wanted, but love because he's always there when you need him. Overall, he's a great guy and any girl that's with him should consider herself lucky. I know for a small period of time I was. Before we started dancing for Chris and CBE me and Marv had a little thing for one another,but I was a bitch towards him because back then he wasn't too cool.

He was an okay dancer and the biggest nerd to have walked on campus. His style and swagg could have used a few adjustments but his heart was just as big as it is now. I had always liked him because he wasn't scared of being him in all his geeky glory. He didn't like being outlasted and bullied by people in our college class but he didn't care. He went through the first year pretty rough but one summer he changed.

Thankfully once we met again at an audition, we were grouped together with a few others. I was so nervous I could hardly focus on the choreography and ended up being eliminated from the dancers. Marv made it though, that's how he got his name out there. But after the auditions were over, I grew some lady balls and apologized for all my shit is school. He waved it off and told me I could make I up but buying him lunch. After that we tried dating for a second but it was soo awkward! In the end we both admitted that the friendzone was comfortable enough for the both of us. It's been that way ever since.

Well back to get situation at had, it something about her. He just doesn't seem like they type of girl I thought he wasn't into. I know people might look at me and think, 'She still got feelings for the dude and is jealous.' Believe me, this is not one of those moments, yeah I love the guy but not to the point where Id sabotage another relationship of his-if thats what you wanna call what they've got going on. Its more like a 'friends with benefits' relationship. She comes over to the place the three of us share, chills and they eventually go back to his room with a box of Trojans and sometimes none at all-from what Waldi tells me.

They only met the first time in Vegas, but hey it's not my place to meddle in other people's sexual lives,I just get into everything else. Hearing about how freaks who, when and where isn't something I mess with too often. But there are special cases where I'll catch up with what my friends are doing. I just don't want anyone to get hurt because that changes friendships, for forever if you’re not careful. I should know, I call myself lucky on bumping into Marv that day. I'll be grateful to whoever pulled those strings in the universe.

Wiping the sweat forming on my forehead from being in the mass of desperate groupies, I pushed my way through the crowd to the booth. Finding Hef there chilling with the guys I made my way towards them. Grabbing a glass of Nuvo from the sashaying waitress, obviously not effected with my presence I dismissed her. She pretended not to hear me as she blatantly slipped Wald her number in a napkin.

Having enough of her, I moved past her and Hef to sit on Waldi's lap and started kissing my way up to his ear. Keeping one eye on her, I began whispering only loud enough for him to hear. Secondly later only to have Wald drop the napkin and have both hands on me. The waitress stormed away taking her tray and nasty attitude with her.

Hef and Marv were dapping me ,taking drinks and elbowing Wald with sly grins. Starting to make my way off of Wald's lap, I felt his hand press against my stomach keeping my from getting up. "Nah you done raised Lazarus you better keep y'all sexy ass here and keep him entertained." Hef almost spit out his drink laughing, Marv held a smirk and shoved Waldi over. "Keep talking like that we're gonna have a triple decker in this bitch!!!"

Laughing at Hef's second spit take, " if that's not my cue to get out of dodge, I have no clue what is!" he got up brushing off what droplets he could from his black button down, he moved to the bar to get a drink or two. I really hope he and Cren make it. She hasn't exactly been good to him but I can tell her intentions are good. I’ve seen it in how they interacted once they got back from Vegas and while we were there.

Hef was the quiet, calm and collected one, when she was jumping off the wall for no apparent reason. Night and day almost, but balance each other out. All I know is that if she plans on keeping this up with Hef she better show him, cause right being on stage with Chris shirtless is not helping her case.

As a performer, I know how it is. It all in the act and entertaining the crowd, blah blah blah. But there is more to Chris' motives that entertaining sometimes. He's had flings while on tour, I mean what artist nowadays doesn't. Even the production manager's had a one nighter after talking to her husband. Hell the lighting guy, Sean has been out with us before and got some play!

"Hey," Wal taps my thigh to get me to come out of my daze, I look at him and questioningly. "We've got a problem..." he pulls out his phone pulling up twitter. Scrolling through the night's trending topics, my jaw drops. #TEAMChren #TEAMCrefa. Pressing one of the post, a recent twit pics from.....Crenshaw Reid!? It was a slightly explicit picture of her and Hef under a single sheet spooning asleep. "oh my god, does he know??" I asked looking back at him.

He shrugged saddened, "If he doesn't now, he will soon." he scrolled down some more showing me the tags. @chrisbrown & @HefaLeka. What in the fuck was she thinking?!? She really can't be that stupid to come clean like this and in public. She just fucking aired her dirty laundry for everybody! No not even just that, but this could mess with our jobs!

Looking up at the stage find Chris grinding on Cren in her chair. He made it a point to kiss her neck and rub against her more than normal. The same goes for Trey on Paris. I quickly turned to Hef who was watching as well, I was more than 8 feet away and I could see hurt as he watched the performance. Keeping somewhat of a calm appearance, his jaw tense up to the point I thought he wasn't going to have one if he kept watching the Lapdance.

Looking back to the stage, I saw Cren look towards me with a face of astonishment and cluelessness. Shaking my head was the only thing I could do as I turned away from the performance. Hef really doesn't deserve this, he needs to know because this game she's playing will end up hurting everybody.

She maybe my girl, but fucking with my family is something I will not let slide. Suddenly cheers and wolf whistles erupted from the front of the stage. Looking up my jaw dropped, looks like #TEAMChren has officially become the trending topic.

"Oh shit, they did not just kiss!"

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