Twenty-Four: Welcome To Paris...

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Paris’ POV

“Cren??” I yelled walking into the loft. After landing Trey took me out,wined and dined me as if I was gone for forever! This man right here, he’s amazing. Ugh but I couldn’t help but feel a little bad that I might have had my way with a few guys over in Vegas. But hey, we kinda agreed that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

As long as whatever didn’t follow me home, then we’re okay. That still didn’t help me from feeling a little guilty. It’s VEGAS! You can’t blame me for wanting to have some fun. Technically they only single one there was Brooklyn and she went wild!

Crenshaw was having her fun with Hefa, but I don’t think that’ll last long. It’s obvious that Chris has a thing for her I don’t see why she doesn’t just wake up and smell thecoffee. I mean, seriously?

C’mon, what dude is going to pay for a trip for you and your girls AND some friends on the side to go to Vegas, lend you a Bugatti and rent out a club for an entire night for you and not expect a lil’ something something.

I’m not trying to say she need to give up that cookie, but the boy did shell out a hell of alot of money. I’ve known Chris since we were in the ‘birds and the bees’ stages. He’s never done anything like that for any girl..EVER. Well at least not while she went somewhere without him and did all that. Weird but I’m never complaining about a free trip, honey. Mama taught this baby to be grateful.

“Cren! Girl, I know you here, I see you bags all unpacked!”

I walked into the place further and heard a loud thump and groan. The shower instantly turned on as I walked up towards her room. Opening the door, to my shocked eyes to see who I was looking for wearing less than I expected. I blinked a couple of times making sure what I was witnessing was real.

Sitting straight up,looking at me, she wore white sheet with bed head. Visible dark purple and red hickies we beginning to show on her neck, shoulder and a few I could see were on her thigh.

“Uhm, hi!” she said gesturing me a small wave, really embarrassed as she turned a light brown.

I averted my eyes to the floor- not wanting to die of laughter at my blushing best friend. I examined the room spotting clothes of hers and of a guy’s.............

Haha I know where Chris is...let’s see if she’ll break a little and just admit it? It’s about time, I just didn’t expect it to happen that fast. Looked like I called this bitch!! Doing a mental dance of success at my amazing Cupid skills. Hey! If it hadn’t been for me these two would have never met. So, yea ere’ body need to be thanking Paris right now.

“Uhm, sorry for interrupting but I wanted to know if you’ve seen Chris anywhere. We were suppose to go shopping for his release party. But-” my words were cut off as I heard what sounded like spraying water and a hollow thud.

“FUCK YOU!” Chris yelled from the bathroom.

I could tell he was a little mad because of my ‘untimely’ interruption, but I couldn’t possibly miss killing two birds with one stone. Get Chris, while Chris tries to get Crenshaw. I have got to be the worst cock block in the world, but quite frankly-I really don’t give a flying fuck.

Crenshaw reddened even more as she hid her face in a pillow.

“I would say the same thing but it looks like Crenshaw here beat me too it. So just remember that ‘SAFE SEX IS GREAT SEX! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ‘WET THE BED’!” I yelled the last part loud enough for Chris to hear and a few neighbors.

This caused Chris to come running out of the bathroom, soaking wet with a towel around his waist. “GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!” I laughed as I began running down the steps snatching my purse and jacket.

“Call me later, Love Birds!” Laughing until my side began to hurt, I went out to my car and drove off to the mall. Shopping Therapy on Trey, always got love for my heart now, don’t I? Gotta make sure I pick up a little something to show appreciation.

Parking my car, I walk into the mall heading towards Vickie Secrets. Seeing a few fans of Trey’s coming up to me and saying hi or looking for him. I smiled and laughed a little bit, baby always has their noses wide open. Shaking my head he had mine open for a while, until I finally decided to go out on a date.

He was so annoying in the beginning. As always there's that cliche chick that falls for the boy that she knows gets on her nerves and is just UGH towards her, but she loves him because opposite attract! I promise you, I was trying so hard not to want to do that. But he was that boy I’d never experienced and the one that I was thinking ‘hey maybe I can change him into my perfect guy?’.

Let me explain something to you, you can never ever ever ever change anybody. You may think that you have the power to, but in the end if someone shows you who they are you either need to accept that and work with them to continue on with whatever y’all go going on.

Or you can step and go find that one person that will suit your lifestyle more. I decided that Trey was what suited my lifestyle and we’ve been together ever since. I love him and wouldn’t trade him from the world.

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