Thirty: Picking Up Where We Left It

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How pathetic do I look?

And this is over a couple of guys that I just happened to f-ck with. I slumped against my door wanting to crawl into a hole and just go away, until all of this blows over. I've lost my two best friends, the one guy that I have a real connection with and any semblance of a friendship I formed with the rest of the crew. I felt all of these emotions come up from the pit of my stomach and lurch out of me.

Trying hard to keep them in my throat, I covered my mouth. My vision being clouded by the pools of water being pushed from my eyes. Letting out a sigh, I gave up and let my tears roll down my face. Stinging my neck as my sobs became louder. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I balled up against my door let it go.

I started to shake as I cried. Gasping for the shortage of breath as I though about how wrong everything was. As if to make my entire night worse, my phone rang. Drake and The Weeknd came through my phone. The Weeknd getting on some girl about her being passed around his group. Watching as it buzzed at the bottom of my bag. Wanting to hear someone else's voice besides my cracked sobs, without looking at the caller ID I answered. Cleaning up my face as if whoever is was could see me, I croaked a measly, "Hell-"sniffling between my greeting I just stopped and felt my tears about to spill out once again. I tried my hardest to pull it together and managed to say something.

"Crenshaw?"A slightly familiar voice asked. "Who is this?" I asked wanting to get back to my self-pity party, since whoever was calling obviously knew about me. Not wanting to hear someone give a commentary on a effed up life at the moment, I continued, "You know what, never mind. Goodbye!" I was over hearing others say shit about me. I saw how the crew looked at me when Chris kissed me. Don't even get me started on He-him... I ran out the building behind him, hoping he'd allow me to explain. But if the sides had changed, I can't say I would have even looked at me after that entire situation.

Coming out of my thoughts, the voice interrupted me before I could pull the phone away.

"Cren! Wait! Don't hang up, it's Shad..." He said as if that would keep me on the phone.

I looked at the phone then up,pleading with God why he would do his to me. Now of all times!?! Entirely through and pretty tired, I pulled the phone back up to my ear and said a goodbye with all the confidence I could muster up. Getting off the floor to go and try to pack my things- knowing Paris wouldn't want me to stay here after she finds that I didn't tell her about Trey. The door began to shake with a hard pounding coming from the other side.

Turning toward he door, I quickly fixed my face from looking at my phone. Ready to fake a smile for whoever decided it was a good idea to visit me now. Opening the door, I was met with the face of the last person I wanted to see. A frown covered my face as soon as he opened his mouth. "Go Away!" I yelled shutting the door in his face.

"I came here to check on you! Now stop being so fucking stubborn and let me in!" Shad yelled back.

"Give me one reason why! You've done nothing to make my night better, you've been an bipolar asshole since I met you, why would I invite you in!?" I retorted ending the conversation- if you could even call it that.

"Crenshaw at least let me come in, instead of arguing with me through the door. That the least you could door for a old friend? Come on, I know you couldn't possibly what to be alone right now, I promise I'll just sit and listen if you want me to..." He offered solemnly.

"Fine," I agreed opening the door to meet him, holding up 2 bottles I'm guessing he brought from the club. "I'm sorry?" He said handing me a bottle as an apology. Him still outside of the door, I unscrewed the top of the dark bottle and took a long drink. Appreciative to the harsh, mind-numbing burn, I wiped my mouth as stepped aside and let him in. Letting out a short burp and shortly after a hiccup, I shut the door. Turning to sit back up against it, he followed suit, kicking off his sneakers simultaneously.

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