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The clock read 2:54.

Gerard had been awoken by blood curdling screams coming from the next room.

He barely remembered getting out of bed and leaving his own room for what he witnessed filled every part of his mind.

"Frank!" He screamed desperately trying to get his attention from where he was hovering 5 feet above his bed, screaming and stretching all four of his limbs.

Gerard had to catch himself on the door frame and then regain his balance. Then he threw himself on the bed, grabbing Frank and releasing him from his levitation.

Sweat was dripping off of Frank's hair and it kept gathering all over his body as his chest rose and fell dramatically.

Gerard threw Frank over his shoulder and lowered him back onto the bed, where he lay asleep but still seemingly in pain.

He then began to cough up what first looked like blood, but then Gerard realized it's texture and colour both weren't quite right.
Then, from the depths of Frank's throat came a booming voice chanting an unrecognizable language.

Frank's eyes opened and started glowing a bright red colour and the voice from inside him clearly stated these words and then let Frank fall back to sleep.

"I know. I'm coming."

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