Chapter 12 - Déjà Vu

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I don't own this fan-art - It's incredible!




The rattling of heavy-set brass keys jangled against the wood of the front door, clattering and jingling as a click came from the lock, opened for the person to enter. The rush of summer heat met with the cold air of the A/C, mixing to make an uncomfortable murky sense.

Y/N had never entered her house so quick before, the familiar smells of pine, cinnamon from the spice racks and earthy odors from plants made her feel more safe than being outside. The door slammed behind her, a bit too hard for it shuddered along the walls, making Y/N grimace at how loud it was.

She was still breathing heavily, so hard in fact she was worried she would pass out - it didn't help she hadn't drunk any water either. She had ran half of the journey to get back home, the other was peddling as fast as she could until her legs felt like jello -sore to even touch.

She had cursed herself for not entering the house quieter; the walls were fragile and thin, and it always reverberated off into the neighbours' living room. Guess we'll get complaints tomorrow from them. Y/N thought, throwing her bag down, the content of what was inside clattering with the little effort she had.

She had thought she was alone, the familiar quietness of everything suggested so, but she could hear the light buzzing of a kitchen ceiling lamp, the humming of the oven and the static sounds coming from the TV channels turning.

"Y/N? Is that you?" The voice called to her, and in her nerves of not knowing who it was had dwindled. It was only mom.

"Yeah- sorry, I'm back." She called to her from standing in the hallway, taking her shoes off and heading into the kitchen.

There, her mom was, cooking something that had the smell of buttery popcorn, sweet cotton candy and other smells you would get at a carnival or fun fair. It didn't seem anything out of the ordinary- her mom just liked to bake sometimes, and tonight she was.

"What time did you come home?" Y/N asked quietly, standing in the doorway, examining the room to see if anything was out of the ordinary, but nothing did.

"At lunchtime. I called for you, but it seemed that you had gone out. Where did you go?" She asked, turning round to meet Y/N's eyes, questioning quizzically.

"Nowhere interesting, just the library." she spoke, twiddling her thumbs uncomfortably. "It's summer, shouldn't you be out with friends?" What friends?  Y/N coughed awkwardly into her hand. "I... prefer my own company."

"Of course you do." Her mom remarked in a subtle catty way, turning back to her attention on the oven. It seemed she had been making butterscotch pie. No wonder it smelt so buttery yet salty in here. "Sooo," begun Y/N. "how was the trip?"

"Nothing out of the usual - fine. I stopped off at your grandmothers, she's left some things for you. There outside your bedroom." She removed the pie from the oven, placing it on the counter, letting it cool. Her mom turned to her, yet she was still working, moving around the kitchen as if in her own world, doing what she had to do.

Y/N looked from the steamy pie to the static TV that seemed of been having trouble finding connection. She watched her mom at work, and even though she could still hear the static sound of buzzing coming from the TV, she could still just about hear the conversations going on.

It had been turned to a children's show, and oddly, children shows weren't usually broadcasted this late in the day. It looked like your typical average show they would show in the day; kids of different ages sitting in a small group, a form similar to how you would sit in the gym on bleachers.

Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now