Chapter 2 -Bad Run-ins

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This chapter includes a few sensitive things, be warned!

The bustling streets of Derry's town always amazed and wondered Y/N as to how much life was carried in such a busy high street. It was where she would see everyone, other students from her schools, her neighbours, teachers and many more. If she was lucky, she wouldn't bump into Tracy and her goons, or even someone who was much worse.

Today she just wasn't very lucky.

When she hopped off her bike, she walked along with it on the street, passing old ladies with their large handbags, bidding hellos to those, kids riding their own bikes- happy that summer had arrived. She took the next right of the corner, coming up to her favourite shop that she visited as much as possible when she was younger.

The book shop was connected with a stationery shop as well, which meant when she was finished looking at all the classic literature packed high on shelves, she would move to the other side of the shop and pick out pens and colored pencils to use for drawings.

She would come in here on any day of the year; or at least try to. When she wasn't revising or doing housework, she would come here to be alone with the books, imagining a world that wasn't the one she lived in. She had to agree that she didn't have just one book that she loved, she loved any book she could find.

There was just something about the old book smells, running her fingers over their hand-back covers that was so aesthetically pleasing. She came when it was raining, sunny, windy, any time when she was feeling down or wanted to be away from her home.

When she came closer and closer on the street that held her favourite shop, her heart could only fill up with growing dread, when she saw the figures of a familiar group.

The Bowers gang.

God, she hated them, not just by how they treated the rest of us like a piece of sh*t on their shoes, but more their leader. Henry was terrible, sadistic and attacked like a complete psychopath. It was a surprise that his dad never saw how he acted, a cop; maybe he could smack some sense into the 15-year-old.

Y/N had to act fast, and if she didn't, she would run into them, and she knew how awful it would be from her last experience last fall. She shuddered at the thought running through her mind. A possible plan popped into her mind, and she could only hope that it would work.

She turned the next corner, quickening her speed of a small alleyway, walking to rest her bike behind a large bin, before running to get to the back of the shop. Due to her frequent trips, she had grown a good relationship of the shop owner, and she would give Y/N sometimes the chance to come through the back; since they said it was like a home from home.

The only thing she had to do was climb over a large fence, which to her common way of traveling, she could climb easily. Luckily she was wearing jeans and not a dress it would've ended way worse. She snuck inside, not before taking once last glance behind her to see that she hadn't been seen or followed.

When she stepped through the back, the familiar smell of old books and dust made her feel at home, and she came through the back entrance past the register, seeing the shopkeeper, Mrs Cole- who was old and frail for her age, needing help due to her arthritis- smiled cheerfully to her, and Y/N copied. "Afternoon my dear. You seem to be in a rush!"

Y/N involuntarily gulped, looking hastily behind her then to the front open window, seeing if they were there. "Ah, you know me? I'm so enthusiastic to grab some books, heh." she tried to keep calm and cool on the outside, keeping her heartbeat from not speeding up.

Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now