Chapter 5 - Reality Settles In

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Y/N laid quietly on her bed, still dressed in the clothes she had worn from work, staring up at the ceiling, blank-eyed and neutral. She had ignored her mom's calls, the hunger in her stomach for dinner, and all she wanted was to lay in her bed and never wake up.

She had been sitting on top of her bed for two hours now, and she hadn't dared move, in fear that she would see the clown in her room. Every time her eyes looked around the room, all she saw were shadows; shadows that she grew worried would turn into a clown, the yellow eyes she swore she had seen when she turned her head.

Everything wasn't making sense; the talks she had with her grandmother, the dreams, the strange voices, and what made things worse was why the hell there was a strange clown living in a decrepit house? She laid in the darkness, closing her E/C eyes, the tiredness that she felt it would be difficult to fall asleep that night.

And every single noise or creek made her eyes snap open, before closing them again, and rinse and repeat. The same voice of the creepy clown came into her head, whispering in her ear as if it was right there. She couldn't get away, and all she could think of was what it kept saying. "You won't be alone here! When you're here with me, you'll float, ooh yes, you'll float.~"

She shivered, when she heard footsteps move to the bottom of the stairs, and she knew it was her mom. "Y/N, are you coming down or what? We need to talk young lady!" She rolled her eyes, rolling out of her small bed, shuffling in the dark to the door and heading down to the kitchen.

There, her mom stood by the stove, and angry look in her M/E/C, "Didn't I say you had to come home before 7? Why the hell did you ignore me and go upstairs? You're treading on thin glass Missy- you're not gonna get away with your brash behaviour."

"Mom! Please just stop shouting!" Y/N had butted in, shouting louder over her mother's ranting. "I saw some creepy sh*t out there today; I nearly got a concussion from flipping over my bike and this," she was gesturing all over the place, "this doesn't even explain what the hell I saw out there!"

Her voice felt throaty but small, just like how her mom made her feel: small and worthless. "You never tell me what is happening, how am I to know what's going on when you never tell me? This has to do with why you were late for the curfew?"

She swallowed her pride, she kept quiet. "Are you trying to tell me that you're lying? You were attacked and harmed- should I guess or should I heard it from you?" before Y/N could open her mouth, she already continued, "The Bowers Gang, was it?"

All Y/N did was slowly nod her head. "Well," her mom leaned more on her back, "I'm not surprised." she mused, and Y/N looked at her in both horror, shock and anger. "What?" She spat, and her eyes squinted to her mother in utter confusion. "Those scars on your skin, they're for the attention of those your age. The attention of those popular girls and boys. I know what you want, all you want is to be a attention-seeking wh-"

"-Don't you dare say that!" she spat lowly. "I've been harassed, bullied, called worthless, beaten, shamed- I could go on if I must- but I won't. You want to know why I have those scars? It's not just because of them at school, but because of you!" and with that, she had finished breathing heavily, staring daggers at her mom, the woman who didn't believe her or show the love she wanted.

Her mom scoffed, smiling like she was trying to do a great job of being the worst mother possible. "You selfish little girl. You're lucky you have a shelter here. You know how much I give you, and yet, you don't owe me anything in return. You have a bed, food on a plate in front of you, hot water, but all you think about is yourself." the last thing she muttered made Y/N fume more, tears threatening to fall, but she stood her ground.

Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now