Chapter 9 - The Monster At Night

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Demons and monsters are real;

They hide in our minds,

They just so happen to come out at night.

Y/N laid unmoving, staring up at the blank ceiling, her E/C had remained on it for some time, unnerved. Sleeping helped her calm her mind, to get rid of a sh*t day and let it slip from her memories, for the next day she could only hope would be different. It never was, but she could only wish sometimes.

When she slept, she slept her problems away, unaware of time passing as she either dreamt good or bad dreams. It was what she imagined the afterlife would be like; full of darkness.

Even in her state of paranoia and fear of being watched 24/7, she tried her best to get good nights of rest. But, so many questions filled her mind, the questions she asked herself about what she had seen in the book that showed all of Derry's history on pages.

Why did that woman look like me? Was it just It playing to confuse my mind? An illusion? It confused her entirely, and it kept her awake. It didn't help that this specific night, she was alone in the house, and so, every creak and small noise kept her eyes bulging awake.

She could deny the fact that the small creaks reminded her of footsteps walking along the hallway upstairs, pacing up and down, almost as if her mind was forcing trauma on her tired state. She blocked the noises, shutting her eyes tightly, her fingers gripping the duvet she laid under until it begun to hurt, trying to imagine a way to make her fall asleep.

Tap, tap... tap, tap, tap.

The window was constantly tapping, over and over, lightly yet grew more and more irritating. With a final agitated groan, Y/N sat up, looking around the room to spot anything abnormal or if anything had changed whilst her eyes were shut.

Everything seemed fine; all her books were unmoved, the curtains were the same and not opened, not even the window was open. All seemed fine, until she spotted something just in the corner.

The door was slightly ajar.

She knew that she had shut it - she always did every night before going to bed- but here, it was a little bit open. She had to wrack in her mind to remember whether she thought she did and forgot to, or if It was just being an asshole.

She emerged from under her warm confinement, her bare feet padding softly against the wooden floor to gently go across to the end of her room. She paused, quickly open the door fully to see if the clown was there, and luckily, It wasn't there. She exhaled, shutting it full in, as it shuddered loudly on its hinges before she went to turn and trudge to her bed.

Her ears picked up the small sound of the door twisting, the eerie creek of it opening just as she had turned. When she looked again, it was again open, slightly ajar like the last time. This clown is taunting me. She thought, moving to go to shut it.

This time, she didn't double check to make sure the clown was there, and when she went to shut it completely in, she hadn't underestimated how forcefully that door could be swung open again.

It knocked against the bookshelf behind it, books clattering to the ground, the door crashing against the wall in loud crash and the giant figure of ruffles and red came into her vision, a giant scare that she hadn't thought of.


It managed to screech, an ungodly sound that had come from its mouth, and she was surprised by how it managed to even speak, when its mouth was displayed with thousands of rows of teeth all around its mouth. She was once again staring death in the face. It had made itself look as monstrous as possible; drool flying everywhere, growls, burning yellow eyes that burnt orange too, like wild flames, orangey-red hair unkempt and messy looking.

Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt