Chapter 13 - Heartbeat

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"It was... worth nothing."

What the hell did that mean? It had been a week since the last time Y/N had seen Pennywise, nothing to let her know It was there in the background - no nightly visits, no red balloons floating in the air in the gentle breeze and no abstract fear coming after her.

She had no idea where Pennywise had gone- maybe It had had enough of her constant blubbering of questions, had gone into a murder frenzy of all the kids in Derry, or maybe- just maybe- It had gone forever. She had wished it had been successfully the last one; the thought of putting a end to all the missing children would make Derry a better place in some cases.

It was a stupid thought, a thought she could only dream of- Derry was much more than just a supernatural old being- the people of this stupid old town were just as senile.

Y/N had spent most of her week doing things to get her mind off of the clown- spending time at work in her grandmother's florist, doodling when at home, reading or even listening to her Walkman, but to her unfortunate self, anything she saw on a daily basis, it just only reminded her of the clown.

"Bye Grandma! See you later!" Y/N called back to her relative, successfully being able to finish midday from work after not many customers.

"Bye dear, take care! See you next Monday!" Called back her grandma, going back to her normal routine.

After a hot day of not doing much than hard labor, Y/N thought the rest of this hot afternoon couldn't be wasted. She strolled back through the high street, walking past people with some recognizable faces and some with not.

Derry might one day get a reputation for gaining tourists. She thought to herself, imagining to think that maybe some day, this weird place would get popular. Maybe they just think this place is so haunted, it'll be used as a tourist attraction, she went through her bag to grab her Walkman, putting her headphones on; I hope I'll be well far away when that day happens - I want nothing to do with this place.

She had kept mainly to herself through her days alone - her mom and her and gotten into a massive argument a couple of days ago, so it had meant she had been coming home much later, avoiding each other was best.

Walking past the old cinema, Y/N looked to what films had been showing; Lethal Weapon and Batman.

God, as usual, nothing good to watch. It was a good thing she was thinking of heading back her way home; everything seemed so boring as of now, now especially with another few months before kids went back to school.

Y/N strolled back with not much speed of hurrying, she had the luck of knowing that hopefully, no-one would've been there to attack or harass her. Especially since Tracy Harris went 'missing'.

The posters of her face were strewn everywhere, no-one could get away from her annoying face, and the fact that Y/N was maybe the only one who knew where she was seen last, she knew it would've her own death to of told.

She was getting closer to her familiar neighbourhood, the smell of freshly cut grass entering her nostrils, a smell of smoke suggesting people were having barbecues in their gardens. I wish I could have a normal family. Thought Y/N, walking down the street with her house on that side, walking slowly as the afternoon heat was sweltering.

From what she could see, it seemed she had been the only one out on her street today, usually there were millions of kids out on their bikes.

Except for one.

She had heard the familiar voice of someone talking to themselves quietly, the squeaking of their bike was heard echoing along the quiet road. Opposite to her, walking slightly ahead, she could see Bill Denbrough, walking his bike.

Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now