Victoria St-chapter 2

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"OK we are gonna do this in pairs so Montgomery and Hughes your in pairs, Bishop and Herrera your pairs and warren you and miller are pairs OK so Bishop and Herrera your gonna start at the top floor, Montgomery, Hughes your starting at the bottom and Warren, Miller your with me staying here unless we are needed" Gibson orders

As Bishop and Herrera are heading towards the building Montgomery calls after bishop, Bishop turns around quickly to hear what he has to say.

"keep an eye on her OK" Montgomery says quietly so only Bishop can hear.

"will do" Bishop replies then turns and runs up to Andy as they enter the building and make there way to the top floor.

"bottom floor is clear we are making our way out now" Hughes said through the radio

"so is the top three we are making our way down now" Bishop says through the radio 

"OK we are waiting out ......" Gibson begins to reply but is more concerned about what Miller has to say "is that black smoke Gibson" Miller asks. Gibson immediately shoots his head up to see the whole top of the building engulfed in black smoke.

"I NEED EVERYONE OUT OF THAT BUILDING NOW" Gibson screamed into his radio. 

"why what's going on" Hughes asks but before anyone could reply a loud bang blasted from the building as it collapses and is taken over by flames.

as soon as they heard the blast miller starts to run towards the building 

"stop" Gibson orders as he grabs millers arm "we cant go in there and you know it, it's not safe, not yet and all you would be doing is risking more life's then needed"

Gibson had a hard time giving this speech to Miller because all he wanted to do himself was run into that building and save Andy because secretly he's never gonna get over her even if she is over him. 

station 19 - The call (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz