I get out of my car pulling the damn dress down while mike goes behind me making sure nothing else shows. We start to walk and mike wraps his arm around my waist putting his hand in between the spike glaring at all the guys staring making me smile. As we enter the school doors I see The football guys push both Tina and Kurt against the lockers. Mike and James get ready to punch them both but they both stop when they see me cracking my knuckles and neck a bit. I throw my bag to James and run to the football players. I jump on GAYrosky back kicking the other football player in his face with my hard high heels making him fall to the ground spitting blood.

I scream "You BOTH are so dead!!!" I start to pull on Gayrosky hair as he leaned back pushing my back against the lockers hardly making me groan but i pull harder on his hair. My other hand slapping his face. "stupid Gayrosky! i told you so many times to stop hurting my friends!" I yell and after each word i slap his face harder but after what James and Mike thought was enough they pull gayrosky off and drag me away with Kurt and Tina in front of us as i stare back to the football players. "You're dead you hear me! DEAD! If you ever lay a hand on them!" i yell kicking my feet as the boys pull me and the football players get up walking away.


Bell ringing mister shue says "Little monsters, take a bow." After we do i sit down breathing heavily as i try to keep calm and stopping myself from running out of this room and kicking the shit out of the football players but i heard "Rachel kinda got some intense news yesterday." Mercedes said while Quinn continues saying "We were spying on Vocal Adrenaline, and.." but of course Mister Shue says madly  "You guys, that's not fair! You gotta stop doing that." before he continue i said lazily "oh be queit...now Tell us"

"okay yall ready?" Mercedes said before continuing "Miss Cororan, their coach? She's Rachel's mom." "Are you for real?" i ask as Artie says "Way to bury the lead, Mercedes." "We're screwed. Rachel's gonna jump ship over to Vocal Adrenaline." Before I could say anything I heard Rachel's voice say "never" We all turn to see Rachel with a ugly Lady gaga hand made dress. "i really don't want to talk about it, though" Rachel continued as i try to hide the fact I'm gonna laugh my ass off right now. "I'm still processing the news. And my dads are moving my therapist to our spare room later this afternoon. All I can know is that I'm not going anywhere, and I've chosen a Lady Gaga look that expresses the longing for a childhood I was deprived of."

"you look terrible. I look awesome." Britt said before Mercedes says " I think it's the Kermit-the-frog look." Then Rachel pulls her hand off her dress making a frog drop off and Kurt saying "and we have a jumper" making me crack. I fall off the chair laughing as Mike pulls my dress making sure nothing show as i laugh my ass off. "Holy shit! I'm so sorry Blueberry but you know i love you!" i said between laughs.  Rachel sighs saying "Well, my dads can't sew, so these are just stapled on." Mister shue says "Guys, why don't we worry about this later, and maybe try to focus on the song?" making Rachel say "Couldn't agree more. Hit it!"


I was waiting outside the boys bathroom wating for jellyfish but once i heard familiar voices say "You being a jock and being in this glee club dose not make you Versatile. it makes you bisexual." After hearing those words i slam the door open madly and once Jellyfish saw me his eyes widen saying "Peyton...calm down.." I growl ignoring Jellyfish and kick down The football players legs making them fall and start kicking their sides while yelling "What's wrong with being Gay?! Bisexual?! Lesbian?! Huh?! Nothing so why don't you stop picking on people who are!" i yell kicking harder "You stoop to be so low! if i EVER hear or even see you bully people" i lean down punching "I. WILL. GIVE. YOU. HELL." I say between punches but of course Jellyfish being Jellyfish he pulls me off pulling me over his shoulder and walking out the bathroom with two groaning in pain football players.

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now