10~ The prophecy

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>Emma's pov<

I don't know how long I sat there hoping, praying for some miracle that'll get me out of here and take me somewhere safe... I don't know why but when I thought of somewhere safe, I instantly thought of my friends. Once again I began to worry for them. I mentally cursed N and swore to kill him if he so much as touched any of them. They were all so important to despite the fact that less then two years ago I despised the thought of ever even talking to another person, now I was desperate to keep them safe.

I sighed out deeply threw my nose and took a deep breath in, trying to calm the rage that was coursing threw my body.

Tap tap tap

Somebody was heading this way. I felt my body tense as I shrunk into the corner as fear coursed though my veins. I was in a very awkward position because my hands were still held tightly behind my back and my feet couldn't move more then a couple of centimetres apart.

Cyrus stopped outside my cage, smirking at me from the outside of my prison. I did my best to ignore him and stared at my knees in silence, biting down on the gag in order to keep myself calm.

Cyrus just stood there staring at me for a while.

Umm... Ooook... Awkward and slightly stalkish...

I continued to stare at my knees, hoping he would leave without saying anything.

He didn't... I think he was waiting for me to look at him or acknowledge that he was here, but I didn't I just stared at my knees using my hair to hide my face but still looking at him in the reflection on the polished metal floor.

Eventually he did walk away and I finally looked at where he was standing.

That was weird.

No crap


Who else?

I could practically see her smirking.

"How the hell are you doing this!?"

You're doing it to.

"Point taken. But still..."

I actually don't know how we're doing this... all I heard was you thinking "that was weird" and 'thought why the hell not?' and here we are.

"Right... where are you?"

I'd say maybe... 10 metres behind the trucks that you and the others are in.

"How'd you get out?"

That's for me to know and you to find out. I've hidden all your guys Pokéballs after I gave up trying to open them.

"Wait you got all our Pokemon?"

Yup, aren't you guys lucky I'm... somewhat human... well was. Ether way I'm smart enough to break out and follow you.

"Alright I owe you one, now can you please get me out of here?"

Well I can... but that means N will get away with the others... cause I won't have enough time to get to both trucks.

I paused, not sure what to do. I certainly wasn't going to save myself and put the others in danger and if I told Night to save them then they would come after me without a doubt. "Keep following, and as soon as you get a chance..."

I'll bust your asses out.

"Pretty much... keep your eye out for Faith, Mel and Twilight. K?"

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