" what's up man " I said looking back at Zach.

" if I tell you this don't get mad "

" what's wrong just tell me Zach " I asked annoyed that he kept stalling.

" I um care about you so I called lily and kind of told her off and said to forget all of us " Zach said all in one breathe.

" cool " I said back not showing any interest in what he really told me.

" wait you took that Better than I thought " Zach said rubbing the back of his head.

" what do you want me to say Zach clearly she doesn't want anything to do with us especially me so why would I be surprised " I said looking down at how hard it was to get over someone you can't have.

" it'll get better with time Daniel "

" I know it will, it just takes time and patience my music is the most important thing right now " I said.

" correction ..our music ...." Zach said lightly giggling. I just giggled back at his childishness

" right sorry anyways look what I am working on I have some great verses for you guys "



Lily's POV:

" happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...happy birthday to jamesss ...happy birthday to you " I sang as a happy jumpy James was hovering over his crib excited as he saw the little blue cupcake with a candle on it. He started laughing and giggling. I was officially a mom of a two year old. I couldn't believe how fast time has flown by. My little baby boy is getting so big. I had tears in my eyes just thinking about it. I picked up James from his crib and placed him in his high chair.

" yay mama " James mumbled with his cute little baby voice. He started clapping his hands and giggling like crazy. He made me the happiest mom in the world.

" look James blow it out baby " I cooed as he was trying to blow it out but he wasn't strong enough. I tried to keep my laugh in, I lightly blowed out the candle he was so happy he thought he did it. The smile on his face was the cutest thing in this entire world. Yea we spent his first and now second birthday without his father or anyone in general but he still seemed like the happiest little human ever and I was so thankful that he still has an amazing life even if it's just the two of us in it.

" guess what James , mommy's going to take you to play at the park today " I said smiling and he got excited clapping his hands. It was a bit chilly out so I dressed him all warm this is what he looked like.

I grabbed him a coat just to be on the safe side every mother knows how hard it is when their kids get sick

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I grabbed him a coat just to be on the safe side every mother knows how hard it is when their kids get sick. I grabbed everything I needed and walked out the door.

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