Chapter 28

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Lily's POV:

" come on, best friend " jack said giving me his hand, I looked up smiled at him and took it. He helped me up and we walked back to the restaurant I looked like a mess but I didn't care at this point, honestly I was excited to see the boys again but never would I have thought it would end up like this.

Jakes POV:

My flight leaves in an hour and I was so freaking excited. Lily's going to the mine again and nothing's gonna stop me. By the time I would land in New York it would be too late but I didn't care I was willing to do whatever it is to get lily back. She really thought she was getting away ? Awe poor baby :( but try again next time lil (; .

About an hour has passed and my flight number was called out over the announcements. I got my stuff and headed towards the gate. There was a few fans at the airport who spotted me so I took pictures with them. Once I got by the gate the lady scanned my ticket and I was walking towards my seat. The flight only consisted of 5 hours so it shouldn't be that bad. I decided I should take a nap to make time go by faster, I couldn't wait to get lily back.

Christina's POV:

" wait let me get this straight, so you're saying she lied about where she was this whole time so she can be away from jake " Zach said, he probably didn't even know what's going on. "Whatttt come everyone knew but me ! " Zach whined which caused me to chuckle.

" it's not like we knew Zach we were just assuming that it was this way because we were putting two and two together " Daniel said. Zach just mentally face palmed himself.

" wait so how did you know about this " corbyn said looking at me. He had explained how lily and the boys met through Logan because he had to take her to the airport and what not.

" we uh randomly bumped into each other and she had mentioned she was new in town and then we just sort of clicked and when she realized that I was a good trust worthy friend she told me everything that happened between her and Jake and her intentions of wanting to start new here in New York City " I said looking at the four guys who looked just as confused as I did.

" well what did she tell you about him " Jonah asked and I just shook my head. " I'm sorry guys it's not really my business to tell , but I'm pretty sure once they come back she will explain everything ". They just nodded their heads and we were waiting on them to come back now.

Daniels POV:

Why did jack have to go ? Why couldn't I go after her ? I guess it was more likely that she would open up to him instead of the rest of us, I didn't mind though because I knew jack liked her as a friend, I mean they were literally the same person just different genders. I looked at the time, they'd been gone for 20 minutes already. I want to see her already. Ugh .

Lily's POV:

Jack and I entered the restaurant and we saw the guys at our table, they all just stood up and walked over to me burying me in all their hugs. Wow I missed these guys it felt good to be comforted by them. Although I do miss logan even though I was really upset with him.

" we missed you so much " Jonah said hugging me tight and I just smiled with my head in his chest.

" I've missed you guys too " I said and then Daniel pulled out a seat for me to sit in and I thanked him.

" so are you going to explain ? " Daniel said, and I just looked down In embarrassment. "Lil , you know you can tell us anything right " Zach spoke up.

" I know it's just a touchy subject " I said looking down, Daniel put his hand on my lap, it was under the table so no one saw. I couldn't help but smile and blush. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and saw him staring. Gosh dang it why is he so damn cute.

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