Pure At Heart (33) That one letter

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"Life is a series of unfortunate events."


"What?! No!" I screeched, putting a hand over my mouth in shock. "You're lying! You're lying!"

"Please Hamna... stay calm," he tried to calm me down.

"No no!" I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes, as tears fell down. No! It couldn't be.

"No it can't be. Please tell me... please tell me you're joking. No! No..." I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I wish I was lying..." he replied apologetically. I sat there sobbing for another 5 minutes without being able to utter a single word.

Zayd was dead? He was gone? I will never meet or see him again? I will never get to hear his voice again? I couldn't believe it. I must be dreaming. This had to be a terrifying nightmare. Please. This couldn't be true.

Dylan brought me a water bottle from the kitchen.

"Here," he handed it to me and I got a few sips. I wiped my tears away but they kept flowing.

"I'm really very sorry. I understand your pain," he told me. I looked at him with tears still flowing down my cheeks.

"I am having a very hard time believing it. I never thought I would actually lose Zayd," I told him. He looked down.

"It was very hard to swallow for me as well," he spoke.

"Whoops I uh... gotta go," he said suddenly, looking at his wrist watch. "I have to take Maryan for psychotherapy. But um... call me whenever you feel like. No matter what time or day. I'm always here for you. Ok?"

I nodded.

"You want to note down my number?" he asked.

I just handed him my phone so he could do it himself. I didn't want to do anything right now.

"There. My number is in your phone. If you ever want to meet up again, just give me a call. I'll be at your service. And once again, I am really sorry," he told me.

"Thank you for letting me know," I spoke weakly. He smiled.

"I wish I didn't have to give you this terrible news. But once again, call me about whatever. I will not mind at all," he told me.

He opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him. My legs felt weak and wobbly. I fell on the couch, letting more tears flow.

Zayd was gone and I hadn't met him in 6 years. He was trying to find me and was always looking for me until his last breathe. Last breathe. Oh my goodness.

"Mama?" I heard Aidah's voice who had woken up a few minutes ago.

I quickly wiped my tears and got up.

"Aw jani you woke up. Come here," I picked her up.

"Why are you crying mommy?" she wiped my tears away with her tiny hands.

Her question made me tear up again. What do I tell her? Why was I crying? Her father was no longer in this world. Worst, she never got to see him and now she never will.

"I'm not crying..." my voice broke and I started sobbing again.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.


I put Aidah down and washed my face quickly from the kitchen. I didn't want to share the news with anyone right now. I still needed time to contemplate on it myself. It still felt like a terrible nightmare.

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