Pure At Heart (16) What To Do and What Not to Do

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"If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love, be persistent in doing the things He loves."


Where was I? You don't want to know.

I gave him a smile as I tried to come up with a lie. Why was I trying to lie again? If he promised he wouldn't make me cry, he should understand. But a voice inside me insisted on lying; and so I did.

"I uh.. I went for a tune up... I mean I took my car for a tune up", I said. He stared at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure?" he said. I nodded quickly. "Yeah, the breaks weren't working so", I replied. He didn't look very satisfied with my answer but still, nodded to himself and finished the water.

"I'll go and get changed. Then we'll leave", he said with a smile and then walked upstairs. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I sat down on the chair. That was a very risky close one. But then I felt sick again. Once again, I had a secret to hide; A story to keep to myself. I took my hijab off, hoping that Dylan would stay in his room. I opened my long, brown hair and let it loose on my shoulders.

I sat there, playing with my hair when I heard a voice behind me.

"Your hair is beautiful", somebody complimented. I turned around and then suddenly stood up. Maryan stood there with her arms crossed in front of her.

Thinking it was a real compliment, I smiled. "Thankyou", I replied. She laughed with a snort.

"You're very pretty Hamna but you're too stupid", she said. I stared at her. Did she not change like her brother did?

"You met my brother and you think I'm just like him, don't you?" she said as if she could read my mind.

"I don't forgive easily Hamna. Look out because I'm still going to take my revenge", she evily smirked and walked away.

I sat down again. For some reason, her threatening me didn't affect me. I took it pretty easy and just prayed to Allah that whatever happened, happened for the best.


Zayd and I sat at our reserved table at an italian cuisine. Zayd scanned the menu to order something while I sat uncomfortably. I felt uncomfortable whenever I lied to somebody and right now, of course, was one of those situations. Zayd snapped his finger in front of me and I came out of my deep thoughts. I turned my attention to him.

"Where are you?" he laughed. I fake laughed with him.

"What do you want to order?" he asked casually. I pretended to read the menu but since I wasn't reading it and I had to answer, I decided to joke instead.

"We could just order pizza since it's an italian restaurant", I said and to my surprise, Zayd laughed. "Good one", he said as his eyes were glued on the menu. He then ordered our food and handed the waiter the menu. I kept scanning the restaurant and how fancy it looked. Cute chandeliers were hanging on top of every table and it looked beautiful.

When I finally looked down, I caught Zayd staring at me. I gulped. What was he doing? Even though he was my husband, my heart skipped a beat whenever he stared at me with those dreamy eyes of his. His solid brown color eyes were to die for honestly. I would never say that to him but I always admired his looks and how handsome he always looked.

"What?" I asked him. He smiled. "Nothing", he replied. "You just look really beautiful today."

I looked down, sincerely hoping I wasn't blushing.

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