Pure At Heart (15) You mean the world to me

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"When Allah inspires your tongue to ask, know that he wants to give."


The clock had just struck 5 O'clock p.m. when we entered the house. Taped on their staircase, was a huge "Welcome Home Hamna!" sign. Underneath the huge letters, "Glad to have you back healthy and happy! :)" was written. Zayd looked at me. "I gave a special order for this one", he told me. I smiled and examined the huge banner one more time. His family also smiled as they entered the house behind us. I was definitely being treated much better than I was, when I left this house. Not that they were treating me badly, but they were all giving special respect to me now.

It had been an hour and a half since I had been in the house, but I couldn't find Dylan or Maryan anywhere. I was happy but also worried at the same time. They could pop out anytime unexpectedly. You could expect anything from those deadly people. Still, I tried to not think about them the whole evening. When it was time for dinner, I tried helping Zayd's mother and his sister set the table but they didn't let me. I was just told to rest and not worry about any work.

I came back to my room. It was a mess. Zayd's clothes were on the couch and the dressing table had all sorts of things on it. From the phone charger to the stuffing inside the shoes - everything was resting on the table. I began sorting out Zayd's clothes and put them all in the laundry basket. Next, I cleaned up the dressing table which took me whole 10 minutes. I then sort out my clothes in the closet and put them in the basket. 30 minutes later, the room was back in its usual cleaned self. I made my way down to their in-door washateria, and put the clothes in the washing machine. Turning it on, I turned the lights off and got out. It would take good 1 hour until the machine would go off, so I had an hour to make the best out of my time. I realized I was done with everything. And since my mother-in-law wouldn't let me do any other work, I decided to sit down and read a book. The feelings I had right now were refreshing and relieved. I didn't have any more secrets to hide from my husband. He had accepted me with all my flaws and secrets. He loved me again and everyone else was also happy. Life was beautiful again. Alhumdulillah.


"What I still don't understand", Zaynah said while we were all gobbling down our dinner. "Is how did Hamna change her mind about going to her parents' house? I mean, on the way home she goes "I want to stay at my parents' house for a week" and Zayd agrees? I just can't believe Zayd would agree to something so quick", she finished talking. I figured she was trying to know something else; something she already knew but wanted to hear from us. Zayd and I looked at each other and then Zayd looked back at his sister. He swallowed down his food.

"She didn't say anything", Zayd said calmly. I looked at him. Was he going to tell his sister the whole story?

Zaynah shook her head questioningly. I kept my head down and kept eating. Zayd had practically exposed the whole story with one sentence, so why not let him handle this? I didn't look up intentionally so only he would speak.

"I left Hamna at her house but she didn't tell me to", Zayd spoke again. He kept eating his dinner calmly and throwing all the words at her. I gulped as I looked up and saw Zaynah's and her mother's expressions changed. Zaynah's husband and Zayd's father had also joined in on the conversation. Now they were all staring at Zayd with questioned looks. I didn't want to know whatever is going to happen next. Zayd looked at me but I didn't. What was he trying to do? Expose myself in front of the whole family? I had changed and his responsibility as someone who was so close to me, was to keep my secret; not tell the whole world.

"Say everything openly", Zaynah said. "Why are you leaving us with questions?"

"I think I said enough", Zayd said as he got up from his chair with his plate.

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