Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter

Start from the beginning

I hear an evil sounding voice about 20 metres in front of me who approaches and says "I that so? Hahahaha. You scum should know your dare cripple mine own younger brother??!". His face quickly comes into view - He is alone..a man of evil looks, decent height and slightly muscular build; the Dark Rank 10 who supposedly has the power of a supreme SS rank. 

I push my friend out of harms way before charging to meet this new fellow. As my half hearted punch meets his fist I see that he uses no weapons. I retract my right fist and punch with my left in a hook then follow it up with a roundhouse kick. With effort my attacks are blocked and Dark 10 staggers back and makes no move to counter I press on with mine own. I run forward slightly leaning forward and jump to his right spinning my body before standing on my hands, push up with them and deliver a hard downwards kick to his skull. A thunderous crack is heard and Dark staggers back heavily as blood pours from his nose, mouth and ears freely with his arms uselessly dangling. I retract my outstretched leg and keep attacking, Dark 10 attempts to dodge but I still scar him and he rapidly accumulates wounds. Then irksomely his aura immediately flares red. My body turns rigid and I stand straight. Dark 10 gives an arrogant snort saying "Hmph, now youre afraid? Ill finish you!". As he approaches I raise my right hand slowly and before I can slice the air in front of me a new person appears - a slim male with a snakelike demeanor charges with his hands in a blur to take on the attack of my right hand. I feel something hard and flexible and I draw back. The new man is Dark 9, also known as the Snake. A deadly combatant, trapper and grappler. Smoke comes out of the Snake's left hand which he used to block my attack, I see surprise in his pale yellow eyes as he says "10 get back, this one isnt your opponent..that last attack wouldve outright killed you, you fool" When the smoke clears I see a large gash on Snake's hand which makes me frown. 'Hmm..that technique would have outright killed 10..why did 9 take the damage when he knew what it was?'. Snake crouches slightly before saying "Dark 5 and 6 are on their way here, 10 stay here until they arrive because if your movement leads to your death you will have only yourself to blame". The red aura on Dark 10 recedes and he collapses to the ground. I crack my left index finger then my neck. Then the Snake charges putting his right hand forward. My body tilts to the left and I punch out with my right fist as our bodies align [Golden Fist: 2nd step!] Light golden light surrounds my fist as I strike out and my attack connects with his body. A loud boom is heard completing the attack and I hear a soft grunt as a minuscule trickle comes from my opponents lips. '5th step it is then...DIEEE!!'. My left hand is enveloped in dark golden light as I draw my fist back and strike with another thunderous boom. 3 mouthfuls of blood come out from the Snake's mouth and I hear a soft gasp. Then his arms wrap around mine in a serpentine manner and attempt to go around the whole of my body. 'HMPHH!!'. Purple lightning arcs around my body accompanied by blackfyre which furiously burns the Snake...but the only thing I see in his eyes is resolve...determination to keep me tied down until reinforcements arrive. 

'Like hell! This one is dangerous enough not to talk of Rank 5 and 6...Those 2 I wont be able to beat right now'. I sigh before increasing the power of the purple lightning rapidly and the Snake starts growling low in his throat..'Impressive..he can still be sane and conscious'. I feel 2 auras press down on me and see that it is too late. 2 women appear shoulder to shoulder and I hiss low in my throat. Both are slim and good looking but as dangerous as they are beautiful. 'Damnit! 5 and 6 normally work in pairs when they feel threatened and their teamwork is flawless!". Snake starts screaming but he still doesnt detach his arms and I grow frantic as I see 2 shadows approach. Finally I'm released as I see a katana blade rapidly flash into view. I just narrowly manage to dodge and then I get kicked in the gut. I fly backward and see that 5 is the one facing me and 6 is taking the injured to safety - most likely at full speed so they can wrap this up quickly. 'Fine then...Ill let you have a glimpse'. I grit my teeth as a katana blade comes into view [Golden Body -Extreme]. with my right hand [Golden Fist - 7th Step] and with my left the incomplete [Ghost finger]. My right hand clashes with the blade and sends it flying while my left hand does a little damage to 5's muscles. She takes 2 steps back and, not bothering to retrieve her weapon she flexes her hands and instantly a claw descends as large as the sky. 'Hehh' My right eye shines and time stops. I then teleport to her side and with full power and the Seventh step of Golden Fist punch her side. Time plays and her body twitches and leans to the side a little and she turns to face me. Then with no warning a fist which carries a far greater threat than that of the outer disciple is near. I feel my insides turn cold and I activate my right eye again. For a split second I see all that surrounds me. I pick a plant pot a couple of metres to my left and we switch places. I see surprise in her eyes and she says "A plant pot?..." Then as she looks at me I see recognition and a fiendish grin comes to her lips "I wonder how many more times you can use that space-time technique?". A frown comes to my lips and I say "Change source of all skills and abilities to mana consumption". Immediately a voice replies "Conditions accepted. User will now use mana as a source for their attacks". I nod once thinking 'This one will be a good puppet for my tests. Either way is good: either she dies and becomes my puppet or vessel. Or she lives and I can fight her another day'. I release all the restrictions I placed on my body and take off my shirt. Then I jump 10 metres back while pouring mana into my arms and hands..the tattoos an wards soak up the mana at a furious rate but my supplies are being replenished faster. Her figure blurs and appears in front of me. Her hand rapidly outstretches to cover my face - she doesnt get the chance. I clap my hands on her head my right on her right eye and my left on her neck as the tattoos reach their maximum capacity and cant contain anymore magic and surge furiously with magic and electricity. I contain the damage just to her head this time and I feel 2 loud explosions which sends me hurling backward. 'ALRIGHT! Weapons descend!" Multiple weapons hover in the sky: Axes, halberds, spears, swords, sabers, claws, rapiers, daggers, clubs, staffs and arrows. They descend at my command and gouge the ground at a blur to my eyes. Smoke quickly follows and I hear twisted laughter that shakes my soul. Then I feel the aura: one of despair, malice, torment and bloodshed. Lastly I see her face: her right eye is gone and she closes her right eyelid and there is a heavy gash on her neck. But what disturbs me most is he grin she wears - One of pure elation. Her right hand reaches for my left arm and I feel a strange sensation as my arm is ripped off. I grunt as blood flows and the dead limb withers and turns to ash. But I feel like the arm from above the elbow will not regrow this time. I back step while cutting my lefty arm with my right hand at the point of the shoulder which also withers and becomes ash. 'Might as well lose it...half an arm is no arm'. A wild grin comes to face as I realize that this will allow my physical ability to go to its peak. Both of 5's arms are raised above her head as she attempts to clobber me into the ground. Suddenly I feel 2 sensations; one which feels like the power of the dead limb in its entirety flow back into my body. The second is of a threat slightly less dangerous than 5. 'So 6 has come matter! I will face them both!!'. My left eye activates and I gain a 360 degree view in which I see that 6's hand is coming to spear me in the back. At the last second I change places with 6 and instead of hitting their intended target they hit each other. 6 spears 5 in the stomach and 5's hands rain down like a thunderous god on 6's exposed head. I watch as they both collapse then I walk towards them slowly. Suddenly both figures rise unharmed and red auras surround them. I frown and my left eye starts glowing. 6's blade descends in an arc aimed to cleave my head while 5 is rushing towards me aiming to pound me with her fists. A slim silver sword materializes and my right fist clenches around it. 6's blade rapidly comes closer and I slowly raise my right hand and slash outward: My one handed attack vs her two handed grip and my legs shoot outward kicking 5's face without restraint. 5's legs stop and then flip forcing her to crash on he ground. I struggle slightly with 6's grip before her body turns rigid and I appear behind her and slash at her exposed back and behind her knees. 

5 stands up slowly with murder in her eyes. I look at her with a bored expression. 'Now I'm a match for those at rank 5 and below. Her slim figure disappears and massive claws appear to my left. I slash rapidly at them like breaking down a formation and the attack power of the claws decreases. My body flashes in a wild dance. My first slash creates a gash above her left eye. The second on her right shoulder. Third behind her right knee forcing her to go on one knee. The fourth a large slash from her left wrist to shoulder. Then I show myself right in front of her. I tell her "Thanks to you I made quite a few breakthroughs..I've half completed a new movement art and mastered Ghost Finger. Also my general level of power has increased". At that I grin before continuing "..nothing short of someone at rank 4 can harm me now...Now then...Die!". I raise my right hand slowly, the blade following and an almost childlike voice calls out "Wait. I havent gotten to meet you yet". Then I see an early teen wearing sandals, a white jacket with a black shirt and shorts. His hands are in his pockets and he looks bored. I feel a sense of trepidation due to the child and I grimace then ask him "What rank are you?" A smile comes to his lips as he replies "Light 3". My frown deepens and I brace myself for an attack..not that it worked as his movements were to fast for me to follow. One moment I was in a half crouch and the next I hit the wall and lie in a pile of rubble with a few broken ribs. I stand up slightly dazed and see a slender leg descending carrying with it an aura of immense danger. 

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