The Return Home|•|Chapter 7|•|

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Aphmau's POV
We arrived at Phoenix Drop the next day. I felt extremely excited to finally have returned home. After the many long years, I will finally be returning home. Will they even recognize me there? I sighed, knowing I had changed a lot and learned a lot from when I left Phoenix Drop 10 years ago.

"Do you think they will remember us?" I asked.

"Well, it is pretty hard to forget you Aph! I think they will remember us!" Kawaii~Chan responded smoothly.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. But I just have a feeling about returning and it isn't good" I replied reluctantly. Katelyn and Lucinda exchanged worried glances, but continued walking.

Something inside me is telling me no. It is telling me to turn back. This thing inside of me, it tells me things. When the Starlight wolves were around, it told me to run, even though we couldn't smell them yet. I want to trust it...what ever it is...but, I want to see my pack. They mean more to me than this, voice!

One paw in front of another, and I was on my way. Katelyn, Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan looked at me. As time went on it got harder to walk. As if something was pulling me back. All I have to do is put one paw in front of another!

"Aph? Are you ok? It looks like you are having a hard time walking forward." Lucinda asked with a sad look in her eyes.

"Turn back! The world you seek is gone, He is awoken" A voice called to me.

"No! I won't turn back!" I yelled. Lucinda, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan looked at me in confusion.

"Aph? You ok?" Katelyn asked with concern rising in her voice.

" didn't here it?" I asked confused. Then realized, this is the voice of the feeling inside me. But, who is "He" and how is he awakened?

"No? Aph, are you sure we should go?" Katelyn asked concern rising in her voice.

"Yes." I replied sternly. I here the voice telling me, it is your loss.

My paws feel light again, and K walk forward briskly. My paw hits a rock and I look down. In the dirt it says: "I tried to stop you child, prepare for the worst." I angrily brushed it away. I continued forward and finally, we were right outside Phoenix Drop. I looked back and saw the happy faces of Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn. Lucinda had a worried look on her face.

I happily bounded through the bush and arrived at Phoenix Drop. Except, there was no Phoenix Drop. Some dens were on fire, the others were desolate and run down. Claw marks and a few gun holes were on the dens. The grass was dead, and the smells weren't of flowers and fruit, instead, of blood and...Starlight. I knew the gun holes were from when the humans had the guns 10 years ago, but everything else was new. I was horrified.

The place was a reck. I felt angry and sad. Then, I saw my old den. The door was open. Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and Lucinda walked around a bit trying to find any Sind of life. I entered my old den. Inside, everything was a reck. I saw my bed in the corner and it was flipped upside down. My parents bed was split in half. It looked like a demon had come to play.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked next to my parents bed, and in a dark corner lay, a little light. The same one, my father wore. The same one I wear. I looked down at it, and heard the distant barking of the pack that loved me to much for there own good. But those are only memories.  I sat down in the middle of the den and I looked at the wall where, a lone light shone. The only one in the den. Next to it, a purple sign. One I had seen only in legends.

It was Irene's symbol

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It was Irene's symbol.

"They loved you too much Aph, they loved you, so they sent you away." Lucinda informed me, from where she was sitting next to me.

"When did you come in?" I asked.

"As soon as you noticed Irene's symbol on the wall" She replied, as we both were staring at it.

"They are gone aren't they" I confessed. "Gone because they wouldn't tell where we were"

"No, as long as you remember that they are there, Phoenix Drop will come back, it is just that the wolves had to leave" Lucinda told me.

"What parents?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"Your dad...didn't make it, but your mom, lead the pack out." She replied.

I felt tears in my eyes. My mom is alive, but my dad, is dead. The pack is scattered around the forest. If we have no way of finding them, how will Phoenix Drop come back? Is it even ok, for Phoenix Drop to return?

"If Irene's symbol is here, and she is in the legends, then...who is the symbol for?" I asked Lucinda not expecting an answer.

Hey there, Mint the Kitten here, hope you are having a fantabulous day! Just putting this out there, it was not just Lucinda who answered Aphmau's question. Lucinda answered at the same time as someone else. If you have any questions about anything in this book or other books, you can comment, or message me separately. Thank you so much, for being patient! I had 12 tests in the past month, and so it was pretty hard to write out chapters😅 But I am going to be spending about 9 hours on a bus going to DC, so I will probably be writing a bit( and sleeping).

Happy Reading!

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