My heart misses a beat, like somebody cast a spell on it and I just want to let myself go; I want to cry and curse but I don't have the luxury of doing so. Instead I focus on the snap, trying to recognize even the tiniest of the details.

" Nothing?"

" Nothing!" I sigh in defeat but Harry snatches the phone from my hands and gives it a try.

" We're not giving up just yet, baby." I would throw my arms around his neck, if there weren't all those guys staring at me.

"Wait! I know this place.. It's Shipton-on-Cherwell." I don't have the time to exult, I just grab Harry's arm and turn him around towards the exit of the dorm.

" Is it far?"

" Twenty minutes ride or so." Once again we get into the car falling into a silence that speaks louder than any words.

"Should we call the police?" I ask and Harry gives me a long warning glare.

" You don't want to make things worse, trust me Jade. I got this." I nod and just hold his hand, placing a kiss over it.

" I know you do." He seems startled by my honesty, as if he couldn't believe his own ears.

After what feels like hours, we finally pull over an abandoned ruin. Harry opens his luggage van and takes out a torch that he lights up. I do the same with my phone and shrug while he looks at me amused.

" Who would have thought I'd be the old fashioned one here." I hit him on the shoulder and hop off of the car.

" Finnon!" I shout. My voice echoes through the bushes. The moon casts a very gloomy shadow over the ruins, making everything looking even more rotten. There's a river going around the place with bushes and old trees that hang loose as if they were one step away from death.

" You know.." I start checking a way to get inside. " This is the exact moment where you start yelling at the blondie in every scary movie to not to go any further." The corner of his mouth lifts gently, he's trying so hard not to give in and ruin the seriousness of this moment.

As we're about to set foot inside the house, Harry lunches his arm to my stomach, halting me. I look at him puzzled while he turns to his right, looking quite focused.

" This way." He catches my hand and leads the way all down the little hill that stands between the house and the river. His light moves nervously as he whispers " C'mon" to himself, trying so hard reach the noise he has previosly heard.

I'm afraid of talking, i don't want to interfere. If there's somebody who can find him, it's Harry.

 I feel something cold breathing behind my neck making me shiver in pure horror. I turn fast but nothing is there. Probably just a gust of wind. Yet I can't shake the feeling that somebody is keeping an eye on us.

" Jade, stay close." Harry warns me just before dropping his jacket on the ground, alongside his boots.

" What are you doing?" I ask, panicking. Harry doesn't answer directly, he just puts the torch between his teeth and dives into the water not even giving me the time to stop him.

I feverishly point my flashlight on his back, not wanting to lose sight of him as he beautifully swims towards the trees that are underneath the house hill. I watch him struggling to sneak under them before disappearing.

I suck in my breath, the whole world frozen as I keep my ears on alert, eager to catch even the faintest of noise that indicates Harry's whereabouts.

When I finally see him emerging, there's a white shadow over his arm. It takes a bit for Harry to getting out of the water and then it's when I realize it's Finnon the one he rescued and not just a shadow.

I shriek and help them reaching the sand. Finnon is as pale as a ghost but he's breathing and his eyes are still clinging to life. I hug him tightly making him mumbling something. When I take a second look, I notice Finn has a fold around his mouth, I hurry to take it off so he can speak.

" It took you a while!" He whines but I can't seem to care about his sarcastic tone. I'm just happy he's okay.

" Let's get the hell out of here." Harry has his eyes fixed on the bushes, he looks worried and pensive other than soaked and terribly awesome.

We untie Finn and escort him to the car. He has some scratches but other than that, he looks okay. I hand him a cover I found in Harry's trunk and wrap it tightly around his little shoulders, trying to warm him up.

" What did you guys do? They must be really pissed.." He sounds a bit angry, however I don't really blame him. He was about to turn into fish food.

"We don't know yet." Harry answers for me but I don't miss the grip on the wheel that makes his knuckles white.

" Well you better figure that out because I won't survive another adventure like this one. I almost died out there. It was fucking freezing. Have you any idea-"

And he goes on and on about it till we reach his dorm. He make us walking him to his room and even checking every corner of it to make sure it's all clear.

" Are you sure you want to sleep alone?" I gently squeeze his hands trying to make up for the mess.

"Positive." He shouldn't be. I knew I didn't want to be on my own when that man came to pay me a visit in the gardens. But I guess everyone is different.

We make sure he locks himself inside and head to my room. Harry leans into the frame, his green eyes look like aquamarine as he stares at me. The hardness turns into pure liquid showing all his fear and worry.

" We need to figure out this puzzle." Harry whispers caressing my hair. It's something he does when he's stressed and it seems working for his nerves.

" But how? I have no damn clue." My voice comes out more faint that I meant to. I don't want him to know I'm afraid but again, how can i hide the huge Damocles' sward hanging over our heads?

" We will. We're smart, we'll get the hang of it." I feel his tongue rubbing on my lower lip asking for entrance. It doesn't pass log before we find ourselves linked into a passive aggressive exchange of kisses.

I let my mind wondering, going wild into the peace Harry gives me when we're alone and I let my shoulder falling down, relaxing. I don't why or how, my lips move before I can even realize it and I break the connection by blurting out: 

"How did you know that place?"

Then out of the blue, the same light strikes Harry too as he stares deeply into me, bewildered by the fact that we could have actually cracked this unbreakable riddle.

" Karen! Karen used to take me there when we were kids!" This would explain why the only people harassed are the ones I care about.

" I need to find her." Harry is already bolting towards the door when I protest.

" Take me with you!" I beg, he shakes his head as if I was some crazy girl that run off from the madhouse.

" If she has anything to do with this, you are not getting any closer to her!" and that is final as he disappears into the hallway.

I sit on my bed pouting, sad and worried. What if he can't resist the calling of her sweet velvet lips? I don't have the time to answer that question, because the lamp on my nightstand shatters to the ground and something drops on my face, turning everything black.

" Hello, little dove. Did you miss me?"

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now