70's jams

129 7 0

I can't believe I had the balls to tell him I had feelings for him.
I mean we've only known each other for about 5 weeks, I don't want to overwhelm him.
my heart was pounding uncontrollably in my chest, I almost thought my rib cage would shatter.
I'm such an idiot.
I need to think before I say stuff.
it's like my heart is doing my thinking for me instead of my brain.
i hear dallon's feet shuffling against the tile before his arms wrap around me.
" brendon you don't have to freak out like a spastic cat, I like you too."
I looked up at him for a minute before wrapping my arms around him. 
it's funny how one person can make you so happy with just a sentence.
it's funny how someone can just tie your stomach in knots.
in all of my life I've never been so happy with someone, I'm just so glad that i found someone who could make me smile for real.
He's my now, and maybe my future.

god I feel so bad for not updating for a while, I'm actually really happy for once and I just wanted to soak up every ounce of happiness while i still have it,, plus the guy I like is really MESSING ME UP and I really don't know how to handle it.
anyways,, I hope you guys enjoyed !
- danaka the manaka

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