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Brendon's wheels were pretty interesting.
they would light up every time he would move, which was very often.
the wheels were the only interesting thing about the skates though, the skates themselves were all black. even the cotton laces.
he would've gotten white, but white was prone to scuff marks and 5 dollar soda stains.
every Friday he'd skate all night. no interruptions from anyone.
the lighted wheels were his only friends from right when he put the skates on, until the night ended.
the wheels could prevent him from falling on his ass, or they could aid him in that matter.
the wheels would hold him up when no one else could support him.
he put a lot of meaning into these stupid lighted wheels, but what else are you supposed to do when all you do is skate?
sometimes he would watch the oddly tall ref help little kids up when they'd fall.
sometimes, when brendon would fall the tall man would try to skate over fast enough to help brendon up, but brendon was faster.
he would lift himself up from his knees and skate off.
that wouldn't stop the tall man though.
it was like a challenge to see who could help brendon.
skater vs ref
ref vs skater
brendon always got himself up though, he wasn't embarrassed about falling. he just knew how frustrated he would get if someone fell down in front of him and would take like 10 minutes to get themselves up.
so he tried to get himself up as fast as he could.
mad skaters are a lot more frightening then just regular mad people.
plus, being hit with 5-10 pound rollerskates hurt a lot more than being punched in the face.
Brendon had some experience with that, but that's another story for another day.
when the manager turned off all of the lights and turned on the strobe lights, kinda messed brendon up.
It hardcore messed with his vision. especially when brendon didn't wear his glasses.
tonight was one of those nights, too. 
he skated off the rink and off towards the concession stand to get an overpriced bottle of water.
he smiled at the old lady he knew by name.
"hey Gladys, can I get a bottle of water?"
she grinned widely at him and fetched him a bottle of water from the fridge in the corner.
brendon put a 5 down and just stood there for a second.
"there you go brendon. don't over work yourself. have fun bud."
brendon shook his head playfully and smiled at the kind old lady before skating away.
he always sat at one of the plastic party tables until the manager turned all the lights back on.
This all was basically just routine to him.
skate, water, rest, skate, stare at the ref, skate some more.
It always came back to the cute ref though.
brendon wouldn't be able to talk to the cute ref though.
he was much too bashful for that.
maybe the ref could talk to him though?


I'm going skating next Sunday with like 5 of my friends  I'm really excited to see if I can complete the cha cha slide this time

rollerskates//   brallon Where stories live. Discover now