it smells like feet in here

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brendon sighed.
he hated the stupid brace on his foot. he could do barely anything.
and he definetly could not skate, and that was the thing that killed him the most.
it's only been A week with the stupid brace but he's experiencing withdrawal.
he missed the way his skates glided against the rink, he missed the old songs the arrogant dj would play, but most importantly he missed the way dallon looked in his black skates.
although he stops by the rink everyday during his lunch break ( only because his school let's people leave during lunch ) it's not the same as being there skating near dallon.
whenever dallon would skate his hair would stick to his forehead from sweating, when he'd pause while skating he always would use his left foot to break.
it's the little things that dallon did that made brendon's stomach flutter and fill with giant butterflies.
brendon was thinking about getting a job at the skate zone so he could hang out with dallon while he was working, but brendon thought that would seem too desperate.
he needed to give dallon some space. he didn't want to get on his nerves.
he didn't even know if dallon felt the same way about him.
dallon was such a sweetheart, but brendon could be distant or sad sometimes.
he doesn't understand why dallon even hangs out with him as much as he does.
brendon was getting ready to leave for the skate zone so he could talk with dallon during his lunch break.
This was his favorite part of the day.
if he didn't go to the skate zone for an hour he'd probably laying on his bed watching Friends reruns, bored out of his mind.
even though it took him 10 minutes to hobble his was to the skate zone, it was still totally worth it.
once he got to the skate zone he saw dallon leaning by the front doors, smiling happily in brendon's direction.
"what's up bren, how are you doing."
dallon was the only one that worried about brendon.
besides his parents of course.
brendon gave dallon a soft smile.
"I'm doing ok dal, you don't have to worry about me though."
dallon shook his head and chuckled at brendon.
"of course I worry about you. I care about you."
those 10 words made brendon the happiest he's been in a while.
brendon loved dallon and dallon loved him just as much.

I'm meeting one of my internet friends and we're going skating this Sunday and I'm so scared !!
does anyone have any tips for me?

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