Chapter 15

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My Sirena is free... She acted yesterday like we were together, she kissed me again, but we haven't really talked about our feelings, about our future. She did say the other day that she would die for me, but does she really know what she's getting herself into?

She pops her head in my bedroom.

'Ready to go to practice?' She asks joyfully.

'Sure. Can we take my bike?'

'As long as you promise to not get yourself killed, fine by me.'

We walk together towards the garage, not holding hands, not looking at each other. Something is wrong, I can feel it, but I don't want to push her into talking before she feels ready for it.

As we get to school, Jack greets us with his usual bossy self.

'Sit down. I need to talk with both of you. Since the annual Opera Gala is coming up, our best students are expected to perform a dance. Since you two are the best dancers in the school, I am expecting you to have a routine ready within 1 month. You can also consider perfecting this routine further after the gala and use it as your final graduation exam, if you wish.'

'This is crazy, Jack. We are already working on Swan Lake. How are we supposed to also work on this routine in parallel?' Argues Bella.

'I don't know and I don't care. I won't be helping you with this routine. You will do the choreography together. Good luck. Now, go join the others because we have to work on the group dances.' says Jack with his usual cold voice.

Jack tortures us for 4 hours, making us practice the same act over and over again. Both me and Bella are exhausted by the time we finish with the practice.

As we exit the school building, the warm May air embraces us. It is a bit warmer than usual, but again, when is it not warm in Spain?

'How about we go for an ice cream?' I wink at Bella.

'That would go straight on my hips.' She says rolling her eyes with amusement.

'More flesh to grab, sweet lips.' I smirk at her.

'Ohh... Such a player, mister big mouth.' she teases me.

'You know what else is big, don't you, sweet lips?' I pull her closer to me. She gives me a light punch in the chest while blushing.

'Ok, Casanova. Buy me that ice cream, already.'

'Yes, mistress.' I give her my panty dropper smile and she rolls her eyes at me again.

We take my bike and go to the beach. There are plenty of ice cream stands there.

'Two ice creams, please.' I tell the vendor.

'How many cups, sir?' the vendor asks me.

'Two cups each. The first one with rum vanilla and chocolate, the second one with lemon and forest fruits.'

I look at Bella and she looks... impressed?

'You remembered...' She says so softly, like a whisper.

'Of course, I remembered. I remember all of you, Sirena.' I tell her while giving her the cup with lemon and forest fruits. She gives me a small peck on the corner of my lips and start eating her ice cream.

I suddenly realize what a bad idea this was. The way her lips wrap around her spoon, the way her tongue licks the ice cream from her fingers. She's always been a messy eater when it came to ice cream, but damn, there was nothing innocent in this anymore. My pupils dilate as I feel desire pulsing in my veins. The only picture in my mind is the one with her lips wrapped around my dick and that makes me crazy.

I lower my head an start looking at my shoes to distract myself from all the tempting thoughts in my mind, but the little vixen caught on with what is happening to me.

'You have ice cream running down you finger.' she says taking my hand and licking my finger dry.

By now, my ball must have turned blue. I haven't had sex since I returned home. It's been over two and a half months. She looks at me with seductive eyes and gives me a sexy smile. The she turns around and walks toward the bike while swaying her hips like a feline goddess.

I gulp and follow her like a lost puppy. As we get on the bike, she wraps her hands around me, one on my chest and one lower, closer to my belt. I'm sure my hard-on can be seen from the ISS, but I don't care anymore. As much as her touch burns my skin, it also soothes the pain and guilt from my soul.

As we get home, we run into Selena.

'Hey mamita.' Bella gives her a sweet embrace.

'Hey, my little mermaid. Where have you been?'

'I took her for an ice cream because we had a really hard day at school.' I tell Selena.

'How come?'

'You know Jack, mamita. He likes to torture people. He's making us create a choreography for the Opera Gala that will take place at the end of June, or so. He also said that the dance will be our performance exam for graduating.'

'Oh my, but wasn't Swan lake supposed to be performed on June 15th?' Selena asks visibly worried.

'Yes, mamita. He is crazy.' Bella hugs her once more.

'Oh sweetie, I have faith in you. You can do it.'

'Actually, we both have to do it. Together. This dance will be a couples performance. Since we are the best in the entire school, he gave us both this task.' I interrupt them.

'Oh... now I understand.' Selena says with a playful smile on her lips.

'Bella, I think you should both go for a swim. Let the ocean guide your hearts and your bodies to find your rithm. You will both be great. Do you have a song in mind?' Selena asks us.

'As a matter of fact, I do.' Bella says to her.

'Care to share it with me?' I ask her.

'For now, I'll just keep it to myself.' Bella says while walking towards our bedrooms wing with a mysterious smile on her lips.


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