Chapter 3

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Isabella in the picture above ❤


I just got to the house. My room is exactly as I left it. My room, the bed... the same bed I first made love with her, and the only time, also.

I sit on the bed and reminisce about our times together. Ever since I can remember I have always cared for Sirena. I gave her this nickname when they first told me what she is. She is an oceanid, just like her mother. An immortal being that takes care of the ocean and it's inhabitants. But Sirena took that and out it in every other aspect of her life, including her dancing. She would put all that grace that she has in the water into her dance moves. Her body looks liquid when she starts to dance. Watching her dance even before she could speak full sentences has made me want to become a dancer as well. However, I chose contemporary dance and she chose classical ballet.

Our souls are like the oposite poles of a magnet. While I like to let my body explode with raw emotion and test my limits, Sirena blesses everyone with her graceful movements that are so calculated and practiced that feel like her second nature.

Why did I agree on coming back? Oh, yeah. I got kicked out of Juilliard because I fucked the dean's daughter in the practice room. Dorian was the one that obtained my transfer here so I can graduate. I can only imagine the hell they will put me through for being a newbie just 4 months before graduation.

There's a hard knock on the door.
'Come in' I say while walking towards the door.

That moment, Theo comes in throwing a major punch in my left jaw.

'You fuckin' bastard. I should cut your balls off for what you did to her!' He hisses while throwing another ounch in my eye.

I try to block them and make him get off me but he's a vampire. I don't quite stand any chance against him. My greatest luck is that Selena passed on the hallways, heard the struggle and ran into my room. She grabbed Theo by the ear as if he were a child and pulled hard.

'Theodore Dorian Black! What on earth has gotten into you? Get off him. Have you lost your mind?' She scolds him.

Theo gets off me and I finally stand. Blood is pouring from my lip and my eye has darkened.

'Look what you did to him, Theo. What's going on? Spill?'

'Nothing, mom. Just giving him what he deserves.'

'Theo, you grew up like brothers. How can you say that? Neither of you is leaving this room until you fix whatever issue you have together. I will guard this door the entire night of I have to.'

'Mom, you know we are 21 years old, right? You can't lock us in a room.'

'I can and I will. Watch me. And don't you even dare to break the door, Theodore, or you will meet my bad side.' Selena threathens both of us.

'Thanks, auntie S.'

'You're welcome, sweetheart.' She says while kissing my forehead. 'Now be good and play nice together.' She giggles before leaving the room.

'Do you think she'd still call you sweetheart if she knew you fucked her daughter and then fled to America?' Theo clenches his fist again.

'Stop it, man. I had my reasons to do that. I didn't know it will hurt her that much. I didn't know it would hurt ME that much.'

'And did it hurt you?'

'It ruined me, Theo.'

'Good. You sick fuck.'

'I get it, Theo. I fucked up big. But I will try to make things right.'

'The hell you are. If you touch one hair on her head I will kill you. It doesn't matter your parents are like family, I will rip yout heart out while it's still beating.'

'Jesus, Theo. Chill the fuck down and listen to me.'

'I'm not listening to any of your pathetic excuses.'

'Maybe you would be surprised of what I might have to say.' I try to calm Theo.

'Maybe. But not today, you fucker.'

And with that, he leaves my room like a tornado, leaving me contemplate on what I've done.

I don't think I can do this.


I tossed and turned in bed all night. I barely slept 4 hours knowing that I will have to face him again.

The thing is that mom doesn't like Adam at all. She calls him a leech and doesn't understand why I'm with him so that's why I go alone whenever I go visit my parents.

I look at the clock and see it's almost 7 am. Adam is snoring next to me. Maybe that's also the reason why I couldn't sleep all night. He sounds like a bear.

I get up and go make some breakfast. I prepare some toast with gaspacho and olive oil. I also brew some coffee and place some butter and jam on the table.

I go to the bedroom and wake Adam up and we both sit down at the table and eat our breakfast in silence.

After breakfast Adam gets dressed and goes to work. He works as a bartender at a hotel and usually works 12 hour shifts during the weekends, most often, so I usually spend my weekends with my family or my best friend, Sara.

Today is gonna be a long-ass day.

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