Chapter 7

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I totally forgot today is the day my stillborn sister arrived into this world. How could I forget such a moment of grief for my family? I was so selfish, caught up in my own dramas that I didn't even go see mom and dad.

I walk towards their bedroom and I hear their voices. My mother is crying while my father is consoling her.

'Mamita... I go and put my arms around her. Mamita, I am sorry.' Tears are running down my face imagining the amount of pain my mother and father hold inside them.

My sister was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Nobody thought that the baby could be entirely human since Theo and I are both immortals. But she was. The human gene from our mother transferred to her and she died at birth. My mother was devastated for years. She almost died of her pain but managed to make Theo and I her anchors for this world. She is the strongest woman I know. She is my hero. After that, my parents decided they will not have any other children apart from me and Theo. They didn't want to risk going through that hell again. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother was 6 months pregnant when dad proposed to her. They got married one week later on the beach, with just me, Theo, Ivy, Cain and Alex as witnesses.  Two weeks later, mom went into labor and delivered Angel. Everybody was devastated but there was nothing anybody could have done. Being an oceanid, mom could go to the hospital and have her normal check-ups at an OB-GYN. 

My father, being a doctor ever since he was human, bought an ultrasound machine, Ivy did all the blood work in the lab. Everything looked fine. But life had other plans. 

All of us spent the rest of the day mourning on the beach. My mom wanted to cremate her little body and scatter her ashes into the ocean, so now, every year, we sit on the beach and imagine her laughs as the ocean waves kiss the shore.

By the end of the day, everybody is emotionally drained and we all go to bed without too many comments.

As I enter my room, I take my clothes off and go take a long shower. So many things happened today. I didn't even call Adam, but again neither did he.

I go to bed thinking about what Alex told me. Can I afford myself to believe him? I can't help but agree with him. I am immortal and he is not. I've never considered this fact. Would I be ready to die for him if it came to him getting too old amd passing away?

I fall asleep thinking about all these things.

I'm on the beach. My hair is cut shorter and my hands are a little wrinkled. There's a man holding my hand. He looks at me with his green eyes and I realize it's Alex; he's the one holding my hand. He looks extremely old. 

'I feel the end coming, Sirena. I don't have much time left with you. 500 years of love. Where they enough for you, my treasure?'

'They were more than enough, my heart. All these years next to you have been a blessing and I will gladly die of heartbreak rather than walking on this earth without you.'

I take his wrinkled hand and kiss it gently while he kisses my hair.

I wake up crying. It was a dream, a look into my potential future with Alex. I softly sob in my pillow while a tornado of feelings runs in my mind, waiting for my sleep to return. Then I hear my door opening slowly. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep while the tears keep falling from my eyes.

I feel his cologne and I know that it is him. Alex... He reaches for my cheeks and wipes my tears off with trembling hands. Then I feel his breath fanning over my lips and I freeze but don't open my eyes.

Will he kiss me? Should I open my eyes and yell at him? Should I kick him out? But I've missed his lips, his touch, his body against mine. One kiss. Nothing more. Just one kiss. And then I feel his soft lips touching mine with such gentleness, it's a kiss like a caress. My heart runs wild in my chest and my entire body lights up with desire. My chest starts rising from my accelerated breathing and he notices that. He gets up and quickly exits the room, leaving me yearning for is touch, for his lips.

'God, I am lost. What am I supposed to do now?' I whisper to myself while curling into a ball. 

What if Adam finds out about Alex? Adam is such a lovely man and he loves me and treats me like I am his princess. I can't do this to him. Adam needs me. We never fight, he always respects my wishes. He's the one for me, not Alex.  

Sleep comes over like a dear friend, stopping my train of thoughts and making me dream about Alex's kisses for the rest of the night.

Sirena (Black Series 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن