Chapter 42: Time of Change

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Faradeigh could hardly believe what was happening. Syckle was being permitted to live off of the land, for the time being, while an old storage house was being converted into a living quarters for the large dragon and his hatchling brother. Rigel was currently under the care of the castle staff. Phara had actually volunteered to watch over the hatchling once again, but it was agreed that the castle's head healer was better off without such distractions.

But there was another level of tolerance that was bothering Faradeigh a great deal. Thayo, too, was being allowed to remain in the castle. Not only that, but he was being admitted as a member of Corvin's Blades. His welcoming ceremony would be in a week's time, and it was an event Faradeigh was not looking forward to. He had done his best to protest the situation, but his efforts were all for naught.

He was oh so graciously reminded of his own shady and uncouth past and of his own prowess as a member thus far. What made it all the worse was the fact that it was confirmed that Thayo possessed abilities. While their nature was unknown, he seemed to be able to bend fate towards his favor, so long as the situation was not absolutely impossible. Basically, he was super lucky. Faradeigh thought such a thing was ridiculous and was quick to question it, but was silenced at the fact that Corvin's Blades already had a member who possessed such a power. His name was Blyke Evanstar. However, Blyke's ability seemed to have the opposite effect of Thayo's. The revelation surprised Faradeigh a great deal.

As far as personal matters went, Faradeigh was being treated even worse than he had been before he left on that mission. This time, even Syrah was against him. The duel she challenged him to wound up being scheduled for the next day. While he thought that this was a colossal waste of time, he also knew that backing down would not be an option. So what was Faradeigh to do? He chose to worry about it later, in favor of pursuing other matters. Much of what had happened on that mission was nagging at the back of his mind, so he grabbed some books that he thought would be relevant and rode out to see Syckle. As bad as everything else was, it was a bit of a relief to not have to worry about getting caught up in his intricately woven web of lies.

Upon arriving to Syckle's old abode, Faradeigh was surprised to see Princess Stella already there. She and Syckle seemed to be conversing openly in the clearing. Not wanting to be rude, Faradeigh announced his presence and approached.

"So..." Faradeigh started. "What are you two talking about?"

"Reveal that you have a double-life one time and he stops treating you like royalty!" Stella scoffed.

"That's Faradeigh for you." Syckle added, continuing their obvious charade. "All that tact and he still cannot figure out how to treat the ladies."

Faradeigh dropped his books at the comment. While partially embarrassed, he was also angry that Syckle had the gall to tease him of such matters when his own love life was drier than a barren wasteland.

"And I suppose you've got all the females lined up at your paws?" Faradeigh shot back as sarcastically as possible.

Syckle coughed at this statement, earning a smirk of satisfaction from Faradeigh as he proceeded to pick up his books, and sit near his scaly friend.

"What do you have there?" Stella asked politely, changing the topic.

"A question for a question, your Highness!" Faradeigh taunted with a bow.

"Or I could just roast you." Syckle threatened coyly, taking the Princess' side.

"You wouldn't!" Faradeigh said confidently, calling his bluff.

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