Chapter 36: City of the Dead Part 3

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"Where are all of these spirits going!?" An angry Syrah shouted as she slashed at yet another spirit with her scythe.

Stella was growing weary having to fight her way through the streets, especially since the event that Syrah had described earlier seemed to have drained her of much energy. She still did not know exactly what those glowing red lines were, but she could feel the rifts through them. And not just the rifts... she could sense both Raven and Faradeigh near a rift at the center of the city, along with a presence she did not recognize. But it was strong, and felt as though it were being enhanced somehow.

They were not the only ones. She could sense Valiant and Devon the Black heading towards the center as well. Phoenix seemed to be there, if the glowing of blazing fires was anything to judge by, but his presence was growing weaker. Stella grimaced at this. As strong of a fire-type elemental as Phoenix was, his power was also his life source. Like a fire, it could be fed and rejuvenated, but if it flickered out then that flame was gone. He would be forced to retreat, or else risk dying.

Oddly enough, she could not sense Cornelius or that Thayo character at all. It was possible that they were simply not near a Way-line, but Cornelius was powerful enough to hide his presence. It was likely that he was doing this to hide from the enemy. Stella also had to admit that she did not know what Thayo was capable of, but hoped that he did not have this ability as well. She would much rather that he had chosen to flee the scene after the tides turned so greatly against him. Dester and Castor were searching along the edges of the Western part of the city, it seemed, so she hoped that Thayo had indeed fled.

Once she gathered all of this information, she informed Syrah as the two of them began to battle it out against the dead. The ones they were fighting were weaker variations, nothing like the Shade they had fought back in Glenwood. However, with the concentration of spirits that was heading into the city, they both knew that they were likely to face stronger foes the closer they got.

"Where should we go?" Stella asked.

"Let's meet up with Valiant and make our way to Raven!" Syrah offered. "By the looks of things, we're going to need all the numbers we can get!"

Stella could feel the pulsing of the Way-lines accelerate as they fought their way through the streets. Even in that moment, she could feel it, like having extra heart-beats. Soon, they would all quicken and begin to synchronize; she could feel that as well. The rifts themselves felt... hungry. Something was going to happen when those pulses matched each other, and Stella could fell that it would not be anything good.

"We need to hurry!" Stella shouted.

Deciding that fighting was wasting too much time, the two began using their powers to quicken their pace to the others. Syrah would use her shadows to push back, or quickly subdue enemies so that they would not lose ground. Stella had managed to open a couple of portals, but the efforts were quickly draining her. Her swords had flickered a couple of times as she could feel the exhaustion setting in. She realized that not only had her earlier stunt cost a lot of energy, but that the Way-lines were continuing to sap it.

Eventually, Stella's swords did flicker out, and she stumbled to the ground. Syrah tried to help her up, but Stella's legs seemed unable to support her own weight, and she was breathing heavily.

"Leave me..." Stella requested weakly.

Before Syrah could reply, a Shade that had attacked her previously with what appeared to be an executioner's axe appeared seemingly from nowhere. When Stella observed the spirit more closely, she realized that it was the spirit of the city's executioner. She wanted to call out, or even rise up, but could not find the strength. Syrah had managed to meet the Shade's blade with her own, but was being forced back into a nearby wall, unable to release the hold or overpower her opponent. Another spirit was making its way towards her. Fear was once again snaking its way into Stella's heart, but this time she did not succumb to it. Rather, she was making peace with her fate. Stella Rosenguard, Princess of the Rosenguard Kingdom and heiress to Corvin's Blades, was admitting defeat.

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