Chapter 2: Unforeseen Circumstances

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   All Faradeigh could see above him was the terrifying sight of a great beast before him; the light of the flames flickering and casting shadows on its form and on the cave walls. It became obvious why Faradeigh could not see the beast before, for the dragon's onyx black hide blended in perfectly with the dark environment. Its underbelly, wings, and even its skeletal-like armor plating were black as well. From what Faradeigh could see, its claws and horns were silver, and upon its wings were scythe-like blade protrusions.

The beast noticed him gazing upon his form and snarled viciously, revealing its monstrous teeth. The breath of a dragon was not a scent to behold either, but through all the horrors of this magnificent creature, its eyes were truly the most terrifying. Just as capable as a human's eyes of expressing emotion, the look of malice coming from those dark blue orbs alone was enough to bring fear into Faradeigh's heart. The slit pupils were not helping either.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THIS!!!?" The Dragon roared, causing Faradeigh's ears to ring.

His heart felt like it would give out from the scenario. Never had Faradeigh been so afraid in his life. He knew the stories, legends, and what was apparently history. Dragons and humans were not friends, yet... Faradeigh was still among the living.

"ANSWER ME!!!" The dragon roared yet again, pressing down on his chest.

Faradeigh began coughing; he felt as the air left his lungs and witnessed as spots started dancing around his vision. He tapped the paw gently a couple of times, but it did not budge. After noticing that the human beneath his claw was on the verge of passing out, the dragon snarled in disgust and hesitantly removed its paw.

"You humans are so weak and pitiful." It spat.

Once free, Faradeigh doubled over coughing and hacking as he struggled to regain his air. He did not even notice the pain in his right hand, anymore, as a result. Eventually, he was able to lean his back against the wall, breathing deeply until he could catch his breath. The pain began to return.

"It was an accident..." Faradeigh wheezed.

"What!?" The dragon asked, as though accused of serious crime.

"The egg... This place..." Faradeigh spoke.

The dragon begrudgingly allowed Faradeigh to explain himself. He told the dragon a bit of the circumstances that led him to the small town, of his supplies being stolen, how he was looking for a place to rest when he came across the demon performing the ritual, and of his journey to the cave. He left out all the parts with the silver wolf, not wanting to upset the dragon further with what could be considered lies. He waited for the dragon's reaction as he finished. It stood before him, looking him in the eyes.

"There is something familiar of your smell..." It spoke, "Something strange, something... You seem to be telling the truth, but I sense you are hiding something... Explain yourself or die!"

Faradeigh began to protest, claiming he was being truthful and that he had no idea why his scent would be familiar. The dragon was having none of it and made a move towards Faradeigh, but before it could reach him, there was a familiar flash of silver. Standing between the boy and the dragon was the silver wolf. Faradeigh did not know whether to be afraid, relieved, or confused.

The wolf stood to face the dragon and sat. It stared into the dragon's eyes, and the dragon stared right back. The two of them seemed to be having some sort of unspoken conversation, and after a couple minutes the dragon's muscles relaxed, even after the wolf faded away. There was only silence to be had after that.

The Age of Solace:  The Silver WolfWhere stories live. Discover now