I take a bite of my salad and smile at the comforting meal. I kick back onto the couch and relax into it. Time passes and suddenly I hear the side door open. I raise my eyebrow and look over to the hall-way so I can see who's coming into my home. I feel a sense of relieve when I hear Jax murmuring to himself. He makes his way to the doorway and looks down at me with a slanted grin, shaking his head at me.


He chuckles, "Disney and salad. Doesn't get more Alexis Trager than that." Jax makes his way over to me and sits beside me, putting my legs across his lap. "Why haven't you returned my calls? I've been worried."

I sigh at his question, "Overthinking." I respond shortly.

Jax raises an eyebrow and looks over at me, "About?"

I shrug, "Everything. Work, the club, Charming, us, Abel and Thomas." I take a sip of my water and gesture to Jax to see if he wants any, but he simply declines. "I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing."

"I think you are doing the right thing." He runs a hand through my hair, "I think you'd know if this was wrong for you, and truthfully, I don't think your dad would be as accepting of this if he thought it was the wrong choice."

He has a good point there. "You're right, dad would have definitely ended things quickly if he thought that this was a bad idea."

Jax kisses my cheek, "It'll be fine, darlin', just like you told me it would be." He smiles at me, "You need to stop overthinking everything. It's gonna' kill you." he teases me.

I chuckle and shake my head at his response, "You're not the first person to tell me that." I look at the screen and it makes me miss the boys for some reason, "How're they?"

"They're good, they miss you though. Abel kept asking about you last night. He wanted me to bring him over here, so he could sleepover with you. The kid wouldn't stop bugging me about it." He laughs, and I feel my heart glow.

"I miss them." I reply truthfully and Jax grins at me.

"Well, maybe tonight we can have a sleepover together, then you and Abel will get your wish." I smile, thinking about my boys, "I'm sure he would be more than happy to spend time with you. He always is, never shuts up about you."

I look up at Jax and stare into his blue eyes, "I told you, I'm his favorite." I stick my tongue out playfully and Jax can't help but laugh.

"It's only cause you're pretty and make him cookies!" I shake my head, rolling my eyes and taking another bite of my salad.

"I would be your favorite too if only I made you cookies." I say in a fake sad tone.

"Oh, shut up, you, big baby." Jax's face goes from playful to somewhat serious and I look over at him confused.


He lets out a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair, "Wendy wants to be in Abel's life." He says bluntly, and my eyes widen.

"You mean your crank addicted ex-wife Wendy? The woman who nearly killed that poor boy before he was even born?" I seethe and Jax sighs, nodding.

"Yeah, that would be her..." he starts to pick his finger nails to distract himself, "She was over at Mom's house, kept bugging her about talking to me and Ma' finally let her in to talk. Said she wants to be in Abel's life or she'll take me to court."

My eyebrows knit together, and I shake my head, "She can't do that, she has no right to come back into his life after she's been out of it for years!" I feel myself getting consumed by the anger pumping through my veins.

"I know, Al, I know. I just, I can't lose my kid again." I watch him as his voice begins to shake. I move my legs from his lap and he starts to hold his head in his hands. "That was the worst time of my life... Losing Abel. For fuck sake, if they know even a fraction of what I do daily there's no way they'll give me full custody."

I watch as the man I love breaks down in front of me and I can't help but feel compelled to help in any way possible. "Well, what can I do? Surely, I can sign something to make sure that you can keep the boys. I mean, I just don't want Abel to get hurt... the kid must be so confused about everything."

Jax sighs, "She's been sober for a few months now... Got back from rehab and has a job and everything. She's doing well for herself, much better on paper than me, and even then, they would just give him up to the system or something if we took this to court."

I shake my head, "They won't, Jax... We can figure this out without court. Maybe we can figure something out so that she can start seeing him without fully disclosing that she's his mom, see how he warms up to her?"

Jax groans at the thought of letting Wendy around his boys, "It's hard for me to even emphasize with her, especially after everything she put him through."

"I know, but if it's the only way we can ensure the boys can be here where they belong... we have to do what we have to do... Maybe have her at Gemma's a couple of times to see her around the boys so that she isn't fully alone with Abel."

Jax shrugs and hours pass as we try to figure out this whole Wendy situation. After deciding that Wendy should be able to see Abel, but only under our conditions of it being around a family member or at the garage, we thought it would be best to go to Jax's house to see the boys. We explain the situation to Gemma who's babysitting, and I notice Abel let out a big yawn as he sits on the couch watching TV.

"I think it's bedtime." Jax says with a small smile on his face as he walks over to Abel and picks him up. I follow the boys down the hallway to the shared bedroom and smile over to Thomas who's sleeping in his bed on the other side of the room.

Jax lays Abel down in his bed and tucks him in. I sit on the other side of Abel's bed and move his hair out of his face. "Can you read me a book?" He asks me, and I smile, nodding.

"Of course. What book do you want me to read?" Abel looks up at Jax and giggles before getting out of his bed and racing over to his reading nook. He pulls out a book and hands it to me with a grin on his face. He pats the space beside him and I get under the blanket with him. Abel leans into my side and smiles.

Jax goes to stand up and Abel frowns, "Stay, daddy." He orders Jax and he chuckles, taking a seat beside his son.

I look at the book and let out a sigh, looking over at Jax with worried eyes. "Have you seen my mother?" I read out and Abel lets out another yawn. Jax gives a small frown but focuses on his son and kisses his head as I continue reading. "A mother bird sat on her egg. The egg jumped. Oh no! said the mother bird. My baby will be here! He will want to eat." I continue reading the book and Abel continues to let out some sleepy yawns.

I get to the last page of the book and Abel lets out a light sigh, "Yes, I know who you are said the baby bird. You are not a kitten, you are not a hen, you are not a dog, you are not a cow. You are not a boat or a plane, or a snort. You are a bird and you are my mother." I finish the book and gently close it, setting it on the bedside table.

Jax and I shuffle, slowly getting out of the bed and tucking Abel back in. I look down at him with a grin and kiss his forehead. "Ally?" he squeaks, and I look at him, raising my eyebrow as if saying 'yes', "Are you my mommy?" he asks me.

I look over at Jax and Jax looks over at me, his eyes slightly widened. I feel a pain in my heart, but I know exactly what I'm supposed to say. I take a deep breath and smile down at the small boy, "What do you think, Abel?"

He smiles up at me, "I think you are my mommy. You love me, and you feed me." I hear Jax chuckle.

"I guess she is then, isn't she, buddy?" Jax kisses Abel's cheek and smiles at his son. "We love you, Abel. Sleep tight."

Abel smiles, "Goodnight mommy and daddy." And with that we walk out of his room. We close the door behind us and Jax grins at me as we stand outside of their bedroom door.

"Looks like you have a new full time job, Mommy." And in this moment, I never felt so sure about something before in my life.

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