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Jack's POV:

I rode on Arcee, silent as we approached my house in the Jasper suburbs. It was a quiet neighborhood and, despite the earthquakes and storms we'd been hearing about only a few hours earlier, was completely peaceful. In fact, it almost seemed as if Jasper suffered almost no damage, and I felt a smile tug on my lips.

Jasper was my home, and even if I didn't like all aspects of it, it was where I was born and raised. Seeing it still standing warmed my heart...er, spark, I guess. That's going to take some getting used to. Anyway, we pulled into the drive way, Arcee and I pulling into the garage.

Bulkhead stopped by the curb and opened his door, letting Percy and the others pile out. Percy turned to the Bot and thanked him for the ride before walking up the drive way into the garage. Mom and the others walked up to the garage while I got off Arcee and took my helmet off.

"So this is where you live?" Percy asked, walking up.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I replied, setting the silver grey helmet on the table.

"Just asking. I live in an apartment in New York," he said.

"Never been anywhere outside of Jasper," I admitted. "Unless you count the excursions with the bots," I finished.

"What excursions?" Mom asked, standing at the door way.

Uh oh. "Nothing Mom!" I answered quickly, getting a chuckle out of the other three.

"Right," she said before gesturing for us to come on in. "We'll find a place for you three to sleep," she said as we all walked in.

Now, my house is a very nice house, but I'll be the first to admit it was not designed to hold three demigods and a satyr comfortably. It was a three bedroom house, though the third bedroom was a tiny room with only a bed and a window, with two bathrooms. One was in the hall connecting all three bedrooms together, and the second you could only reach by going through my room.

"I assume Annabeth will take the guest room?" Mom asked.

Percy and Grover nodded. "Good, then you two can sleep on the couch in the living room," she said.

"I've slept in worse places," Percy said. I had a feeling he wasn't exactly lying.

The two made themselves comfortable in our living room while Mom showed Annabeth to the guest room. I leaned against the kitchen counter, thinking over the events that had happened today. Raf had almost died, we found out Greek gods are real, Unicron is responsible for their existence, and I am the son of Primus. All in all, a very weird day, even for me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Annabeth asked as she came back from Mom's little tour.

"Not a lot to talk about," I answered. "You all saw what happened today. Turns out you were right; I am a demigod," I admitted.

"True," Annabeth started, "by the way, I told you so," she said.

I raised a brow at her but decided to ignore the comment. "Point is I'm trying to get used to this," I said, pointing to my optics.

"To be fair, this is shocking for us too. We just found out everything we thought we knew about Earth was a lie," Percy said from the couch.

I nodded ."Yeah, makes sense, but at least you're still human," I pointed out. "I'm only half human." I looked at my hand and willed the change. It was getting easier, but watching my flesh be replaced with metal and wiring... It was unnerving to watch.

The three looked at my servo. "Does it...hurt...when you do that?" Annabeth asked.

"At first it did, but it's already becoming easier," I admitted. "What scares me is that I feel almost more comfortable when I change parts of myself Cybertronian. What if I change fully...and I can't change back?" I asked to no one in particular.

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