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Jacks POV:

After mom left I felt horrible. I had always been there for her after dad had left. And then when she needed me most, I abandoned her.

I put my hands on my face and sat on one of the crates on the upper levels, trying to forgive myself for what I had done. Of course the at this time Fowler decided to call in.

"Prime do you copy?" Fowler asked as his face appeared on screen

"I hear you, Agent Fowler" Optimus said with a slight sadness in his voice.

"Been watching the news ? Mother nature's got a twitch in her britches." Fowler said.

"We know about the volcano." Optimus said as the five of us humans turned on the TV to watch the news report.

"And the quakes?" Fowler asked, "Seven major temblors of the exact same magnitude at the exact same time as a volcanic eruption. All over the globe on different tectonic plates."

His image switched to another screen as a 3D image of earth popped up on screen, showing the epicenters of the quakes.

"In theory unrelated..." Fowler started, "If they hadn't happened."

"At the exact same time." Ratchet finished.

"Check it out" Miko said "More good news."

She had flicked onto a weather channel. Depressing was putting it lightly.

"Freak storms unlike any the region has seen, tsunamis threaten the Canadian coast while lightning storms pummel the Gobi desert,"the news reporter said as the screen switched between various locations being hit with freak weather, "Meanwhile electro-magnetic anomalies plague urban power grids, these abnormal global phenomena are leaving most to wonder, why now? And what next?"

"This, doesn't make any sense." Annabeth said "The gods would never do something like this."

"What if it's not the gods?" I asked

"What could be powerful enough to take control of the weather away from Zeus?" She retorted.

Fowler still had his attention focused on the bots "Don't tell me the cons have built a weather machine!" He demanded.

"One of that size and magnitude" Ratchet snorted, "Highly unlikely."

"I do not believe the appearance of Dark Energon at this point in time to be coincidental," Optimus said in a foreboding tone.

"Wait" Percy said "If these storms are global, we need to get June and Raf in the silo, it should be able to handle the weather right?"

"You are correct Percy," Optimus said "the silo was designed to handle all forms of extreme earth environments. It is likely that Bumblebee has already followed Nurse Darby and Rafael to ensure their safety."

While this put the others at ease, I was a wreck. I couldn't help like feel that this was somehow my fault that mom was out there in that mess. But before I could feel worse for myself, I felt a familiar headache pass.

I felt my legs weaken and I began to fall forward, as the others tried calling out to see if I was okay.

'Oh no' I thought 'Here we go again.' and with that I blacked out.

The next thing I knew I was standing on a platform, high above the clouds over a city. As I looked closer I realized that the city was New York and that I was above the Empire State Building. I looked to the side and saw a massive electric storm approaching the city.

Before I could look closer though, my vision shifted once again. I flew higher and higher passing the clouds, until I passed a thick layer, and to my surprise, saw what looked like an ancient Greek city, made new.

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