'This must be Olympus.' I thought to myself. ' But what's it doing over New York city?'

Before my question could be answered, I noticed two men standing on a platform overlooking the city. One had slicked back hair and wore a windbreaker, while the other seemed to be dressed in khaki shorts, and a ridiculous Hawaiian T-shirt. If I had to guess this was Zeus and Poseidon kings of the ocean and air respectively.

From what I could tell they both seemed disturbed by what they saw below. Suddenly, a new figure appeared, a woman with blonde hair and storm grey eyes, dressed in a simple white blouse and jeans. That had to be Athena, Annabeth's mother.

"Zeus, Poseidon, what in Hades are you two doing to the weather. I know that Kronos is a threat that must be dealt with, but this is not the way to do it." She yelled.

The two gods turned to her "We are not responsible for these events Athena" Zeus said "Something of ancient and evil power has taken control of our respective domains."

Athena raised an eyebrow at them "You don't think it could be Gaia do you?" She asked concern in her voice.

Poseidon shook his head "No, whatever this is, it is far older and far more evil than the Earth Goddess. Even she could not so easily steal our domains from us. Whatever this is, it is the most powerful creature on Earth."

As he finished my vision slowly began to fade, and I regained consciousness in the silo. As I awoke, I saw the concerned look of every human and Bot staring down at me.

"You okay Jack?" Arcee asked as I slowly stood up.

"Yeah" I answered "I'm fine, just receiving another prophetic vision again."

Annabeth opened her mouth to say something, but I held up a hand to stop her "Not a word." I said.

"Jack, what is it that you saw?" Optimus asked.

I explained to them the vision I received. Percy and Annabeth in particular seemed disturb.

"This isn't good" She said "First a near mythical alien power source starts erupting from the earth, and now some ancient evil took over the gods domain. If this isn't the end times nothing it's real close."

The familiar sound of Bumblebees engine driving into base interrupted our conversation. We all turned our attention to the scout as he came to a stop and let Raf and mom out "Uh, we're back" Raf said sheepishly.

"And we are glad" Ratchet said sincerely for once.

I on the other hand ran down the stairs to mom as quickly as possible "Are you alright?" I asked as I approached trying to hide the tears of relief in my eyes.

"I will be" she said with a half smile "Jack.."

"Mom, I..." I started, but couldn't find the words.

"I know. me too" She said as she wrapped me in a hug. And like that everything in the world felt good again. You know if you ignored the coming apocalypse.

Mom broke our hug "But you're grounded till your thirty." She stated. I looked down in shame "Twenty-Five" She amended, making me look up with a smile.

With our family issues solved for now, we headed back upstairs as another news report began "World leaders are classifying these bizarre weather patterns as a global emergency," The news reporter said.

"Global?" Mom asked in confusion, and I explained my vision to her again. When I finished she had a look of fear on her face, as the news report continued "scientists believe the phenomena to be somehow related to the current planetary alignment."

Percy Jackson: The son Of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now