》Chapter Fifty-Nine

Começar do início

" Stop what exactly?"

" Stop being an annoying know-it-all. It doesn't suit you." I jerk him off and cross my arms to my chest.

" You don't know how it feels like to witness the firmest of the stars leaving your sky. I had one certainty in my life, my parents love, but now it's gone and I feel deprivated." Harry sighs and comes closer. I try to push him away but it's no use.

" Maybe you are right, but do you know how it feels like to be married to a dead man?" I wide my eyes in shock not finding a single word that can fight his statement.

" I don't know what your mother is doing with that man, but I'm sure she's being already hard on herself, probably punishing herself for something that makes her only...human." My eyes fill with tears but they don't fall. I'm incapable of pouring out my pain and it's tearing me apart.

" But..." I try to add so Harry hugs me, he embraces me tightly and I sob in frustration as he kisses my head.

" I know. You loved him Jade, you both did. The fact that your mother let somebody else's in doesn't mean she loves him any less. I'm sure there is nobody like your father in the whole world, and she knows it too."

" I'm a bad person." Harry hushes me and lifts me up so that I can hide my head inside the nape of his neck.

" You're a marvellous person, Jade." A smirk emerges on his face and his nose gently brushes over mine as he puts me down.

" Now shall we go to your mother's trying to make it up?" I nod uncertainly and Harry rolls his eyes, moving his head in my direction, signalling me to follow him.

" Let's go, I'll take you somewhere first."

After we drive for a while, we park next to a library I know far too well.

" I can't get in there." I warn him and he dismisses me with his hand, already opening the door for me.

" Why not? Afraid you'll buy too many books and end up being a maid for a rich magnate and his snobby son?"

" Yes. I've been avoiding libraries like the plague." I beg him but he's not having it.

" Welcome to Jesmond Library." The girl on the reception greets us and I smile back at her while I drag Harry away.

" I've been away for so long." I mumble as I walk around my childhood's shelter and teenage fort.

My mood lightens immediately while Harry looks like he's out of his element, all dressed up, like one of these books' characters. Nevertheless, he lets me wondering for almost two hours. I stop just because my hands  can't hold any other book and I can't take any more.

I place them on the floor and sit there, scrutinizing every title, every cover again and again, trying to pick just one while Harry is having the time of his life, mocking me and mostly staring at my madness.

" C'mon I'll pay. I'm tired of this dead-trees smell." Despite his tempting offer, I force myself to get the most important one and leave the others behind.

" No it's fine." I hand the cashier the money.

" Why do you look even more sad that when you got in?"

" I'm not sad. I just want to buy them all, like usual." Harry turns on his heels like he has the intention of actually buying them all, but I stop him before he can do anything.

" It's okay really Harry. When I'll be a famous journalist, I'll buy the library directly. Now I need to make sacrifices."

" It's no trouble for me, you know that right?" I shake my head once more and convince him to walk back to the car.


 I don't understand how but we fall into a peaceful silence until Harry points it out by teasing me.

"Stop drooling over me, I know I'm beautiful." I scoff and dart my eyes to the window. Okay I was staring, no need to make such a fuss. But he's very beautiful and sometimes, I can't help myself.

"Your mother is calling me." Harry hands me his phone but I can't answer in time before the screen goes back, showing me the lockscreen and I giggle.

"You gotta be kidding –" Harry rips the phone from my hands, his cheeks on fire as he throws it into the backseat.

"You weren't supposed to see that." I slowly unbuckle myself, and move to the back of the car, ignoring Harry's protests. I get the device and regain my spot.

"Give it back, please." The lockscreen a picture us smiling at each other the night of the ball while he is getting the glass of champagne from my tray. We're staring deeply into each other eyes, Harry's dimples showing.

I launch my arms at his neck, squeezing hard and making the car almost going off track only to give a big kiss on Harry's cheek.

"Stop grinning, you're scaring me." I can tell though that he's pleased by my reaction. I rest my head on his shoulder, whispering an 'i love you' very quietly, thinking Harry won't hear me.

" I love you Jade." He says back, resting his chin over me while we drift peacefully into the traffic.

My phone vibrates and I grab it, with not much interest because I'm so calm, nothing could come and ruin my parade. Nothing, beside the psycho who stalks my every move. God, I almost forgot about him.

Text from Unkown:   

S.O.S. little dove, the Rook is about to crumble, you better hurry he can't even mumble.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora