Chapter Twenty-Five : Chemical Reactions And Hopeless Groups

Start from the beginning

She moved downwards as more pictures of just soil, grey coloured random articles and some rubber balls came in her sight, adding to her irritated. She massaged her temples as she moved more downward. Just then, she came across a picture where the same small balls could be seen in the soil, that too in abundance.

She immediately clicked on the picture and zoomed, picking up her phone. She examined both the pictures and found a lot of similarities. Beneath the picture, she read the lines before clicking on it as a new tab opened, displaying an article.

Pendulum Cobalt Explosive, also known as PCE becomes the top most deadliest nuclear explosive; scientists from Smoke Ripper institution deduce it's combination, usage and effects. The headline of the article read as Nisha looked at the pictures displayed before reading the full article.

Pendulum Cobalt Explosive was found in 1997 by a small farmer in Spyderville. The man is said to be washing his clothes on a rock and suddenly, the clothe tore into small pieces with a loud sound and in the process, his palms were burnt severely that the doctors had to remove his hands, forever.

When the farmer informed the doctors about what had happened, scientists from Smoke Ripper institution examined the rock and found it to be the Judas rock, one of the rarest metals.

Judas is highly reactive with oxygen and when another metal Malice Gravity Cannon - which is in powered form at room temperature - combines with Judas in the presence of O2, it becomes an explosive and has to power to explode largest of the towers.

The cause for the explosion is that the detergent used by the farmer consisted of Malice Gravity Cannon which has a great bleaching power. This metal combined with Judas in the presence of atmospheric oxygen and the explosion occurred.

In this way, the scientists conducted many tests and found out the Pendulum Cobalt Explosive, which is now used to blast mines. Some of the terrorist groups also use this deadly explosive for attacks. PCE also becomes the costliest explosive available.

To blast mines, PCE is first packed in rolls made of paper which are dipped in petroleum and then, these rolls are packed together using jute rope in a pack of four. They are first planted in the middle of the place where the blast is to be conducted and fire is put off on it. Since, it takes half an hour before blasting, a man can lit it and run back quickly.

There was a video where a man is seen lighting fire to the stack of paper rolls filled with PCE and the reaction started taking place, giving enough time to the man for moving away from it. As she fast forwarded the video, an explosion occurred, blasting the surroundings.

After it blasts, there are some aftermath effects. After the reaction, it gives out methane gas along with Joprine Eblum, another metal which appears as greyish white balls with a pungent stench which slightly smells like cigarettes or burnt ashes.

Nisha forefinger froze as she stopped scrolling when the information registered in her mind. So, does that mean Nebula mall didn't collapse due to miscalculation or shoddy construction, but it was blasted? She thought as she slapped a hand gently to her mouth.

Who, why, when? Questions swirled in her mind like ice in a liquid as she wondered who would do this, or why would they do it. She clutched her head as a painful headache made it's way. She took deep breaths to ignore all the bad thoughts. She wasn't yet sure if these greyish balls were the same metal, Joprine Eblum. She had hope and she decided to cling on to it.

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