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Not Thinking

Imagine you are a new vet and you meet Kiba when his dog runs into you, you then see Kiba again after Akamaru gets Porky Pined, but at last, you didn't think anything of it

You made your way to the Hidden In the Leaves, hired. By the Inuzuka clan as they said you were the best,

You were part of the Dobutsu No Sewa clan, literally meaning, 'Animal Care', practically you're entire clan had something to do with the care of animals, your's just happened to be health care.

Despite only being 15 you were known as the best, people started calling you Yaesai No Joo or just Yaesai, it literally means, 'Queen Of the Wild' so it was no shock that you got a lot of offers from different clans that specialize in animals, but the minute the Inuzuka Clan offered you took it, not only by the fact you loved dogs to death but because they were the most well-known animal clan, their bond with their dogs was incredible they'd both die for each other in an instant.

You were so excited as you spot the leaf gates you almost squealed, almost

1st P.O.V

"Ah, you must be the new Vet." A guardsman asks. "Yes, sent for the Inuzuka Clan," I say. "Come on it." The guardsmen say as he starts to open the gates.

The village looked like a normal village, except the liveliness was overwhelming. I could see the new Shinobi running across town having fun, lovely lively people walking around.

As I'm walking towards the direction I was told to I'm suddenly tackled to the ground. I flip my self around to see a large white dog in me like my face. "Akamaru!" Someone yells. I quickly pet the dog before looking straight into its eyes saying, "heel" he does as I say so I can get up,

You see the Dobutsu No Sewa clan has their own eyes, which can make any animal do a command of their choosing, I only ever use it to calm a dog down typically, but this dog was a big dog and he not stop licking me.

"How'd you do that." I hear, I turn around and see a boy, I notice his face has the clan symbols on it.

"Ah you're from for Inuzuka clan, I'm the new vet," I say holding out my hand. "Yaesai No Joo!" Kiba says excitedly. "Well my name is actually Y/N, But you can call me Yaesai if you want," I say. "Cool, so how did you get Akamaru to heel like that." He asks.

"You must not know much about my clan, I can get any animal to do what I want by looking it in its eyes," I say. "A-Anything." He says worriedly. "Yes, but don't worry I typically only use it for calming down a patient, I would never hurt an animal," I say. "Phew, Well I guess I've seeing more of you, Akamaru and I train pretty hard." He says rubbing his neck. "Alright by-" I try to say, but he's already gone as well as his dog.

A week later

Just as I'm about to close up, I hear the bells jingle. "Yaesai." I hear a familiar voice. "Yes, oh my," I say as I look at Akamaru and he's covered in Porky Pine Needles. "Yeah...He kinda lost." The Young Inuzuka says rubbing his neck. "Akamaru Come," I say looking him in the eyes. He follows me and I have him jump on the table. "That's so cool Yaesai." He says sitting on a stool. "Thanks...., I'm sorry I never asked you for your name when we first met," I say as I replace my gloves and grab some long twisters.

"Ah sorry, I Didn't Think Kiba Inuzuka, though you probably knew my last name." He says shyly, 'he's kinda' I think to myself, but I shake it off and worry about taking out all the needles.

As I'm pulling out on in his leg I notice his joints are swollen. "How much were you training today?" I asked. "since noon up until an hour ago why?" Kiba asks. I look at the clock and notice it's three. "His ankles are swollen, do you do this type of training often," I say as I flex his swollen paws making Akamaru flinch. "Practically every day," Kiba responds. "What do you do after." I continue my onslaught of questions. "Go to bed, we are usually really tired," Kiba responds. "Well before you go to bed I recommend you wrap his legs in ice soaked wraps," I say. "I guess I didn't think of that," Kiba says.

I turn around and pull some ice soaked bandaged from my freezer, you'd be surprised how many times this is just their problem.

"Here is how you should wrap them," I say as I begin to unfold them in a zigzag pattern making Akamaru sigh in relief. "It will help for swollen joints and it's nice after a long day of training, I'm sure you have some at home as I already had said this to your sister," I say as I finish the last wrap. "He's good to go, but maybe you should skip a day and treat him to a nice ice bath, he seems like he'd like that, wouldn't you Akamaru," I say making him wag his tail.

"He kinds broke our tub sooo," Kiba says. "Bring him by I have a metal basin just for dogs I'll even help you wash him, but wear a swimsuit, makes it more fun," I say winking.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Kiba says with a red face.

No, I didn't think we'd kiss the next day, No I didn't think he'd be my husband, no I didn't think he'd be the father of my children, but maybe by not thinking it came true

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