Shikamaru Smut

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You and Shikamaru grew up together, went to the academy together, and even ended up in the same team, all threw both your lives you both have always does some harmless flirting, but that is all it is right?

"Good Morning Beautiful." I hear as I'm walking around the town, I could recognize that voice anywhere, I turn to meet my eyes with Shikamaru the usual smirk planted in his face.

"You know it's almost sunset right," I say pointing to the sky, which is turning an orange color. "It's always morning when I see your face." Shikamaru flirts causing me to giggle. "Hey want to hang out tonight?" I ask. "Sure, as long as your not a drag." He says laughing, before running off towards my house. "Hey, Shikamaru!" I yell running after him.

An hour later

I laugh loudly at the joke Shikamaru just made as we are watching an old classic, 'Princes Gale'

As the movie nears the end I just then realize how close Shikamaru and I are. My back is pressed to his side and his arm is dangling around my stomach and my head is layer back against his shoulder. All we ever done is some Harmless flirting and that's all it's even been, right?

"Y/N!" Shikamaru exclaims causing me to jump even farther back into him. "What," I say annoyed moving me back to the back of the couch. "The movie is over," Shikamaru says, "oh," I say "just how long was think about Shikamaru," I say in my head.

"Weren't you watching," Shikamaru says. "Yeah zoned out a bit at the end. I say. "I'll say," Shikamaru says.

'So what do we do now." I say. "I could think of a couple of things I'd do to you." He says winking at me, I quickly blush and turn away.

"I'm sorry was that too far," Shikamaru says. "Uh-" I try to speak but he says, "it's all harmless flirting anyways," he says making my entire body ache in pain. "U-Unless, It's uh more to you," Shikamaru says stuttering. "Uh, well um, I'll see you tomorrow," I say panicking running to my room, I slide down my door as I hear my front door open and close.

"What's wrong with me, I never blushed at his flirtations before, it feels like I'm treading in entirely new territory, I know everything about Shikamaru more than anyone else," I say to myself before sighing.

"Dammit Shika, why the hell did you make me fall in love with you," I say not bothering to leave the floor.

The next morning

I awake to being on the floor next to my door, in last night's close. "Damn I must have fallen asleep after..." I start before getting up and getting ready to get in the shower.

Just as I get out of the shower I hear the doorbell ring, instead of putting close on I grab a towel and wrap it around my body.

I'm shocked when I open the door and met face to face with Shikamaru

Shikamaru's P.O.V

I eagerly ring the doorbell as I need to clear up what happened yesterday, play it off as I don't want to make things awkward around us, I love her and I'd kill me if I couldn't talk to her, and obviously she doesn't feel then same or she wouldn't have been brushing my flirting off for the past few years.

I'm shocked as I see Y/N open the door in only a towel, I quickly look away feeling the heat rush to my face. I gulp as I look up into Y/N eyes.

"Uh, want to come in, I now we usually walk together and I need to change." She says awkwardly. Typically in this situation, I'd come back with a remark like, "Or I could come in and take it off' but I just nod walking in.

Naruto | Imagines and Smut |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu