[ 117 ]

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[ A/N: whoop whoop, SBAC testing is over so I'm back! :,D though there would not be a lot of updates since of restrictions and school again but I might be able to do 1-3 zodiac scenarios per week, depending how busy I am. )

[ Their favorite song ]

Aries: uptown funk - Kenny

Taurus: uptown funk - Cartman

Gemini: uptown funk - Kyle

Cancer: uptown funk - Tweek

Leo: uptown funk - Clyde

Virgo: uptown funk - butters

Libra: uptown funk - Craig

Scorpio: uptown funk - Token

Sagittarius: uptown funk - Stan

Capricorn: uptown funk - Christophe

Aquarius: uptown funk - Gregory

Pisces: uptown funk - Damien


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