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[ What they gave you for your birthday as a joke ]

Aries: His secret stash of hentai - Kenny

Taurus: A fake $100 dollar bill - Token

Gemini: a blowup doll - Cartman

Cancer: Nothing because he's a pure innocent boi - Tweek

Leo: Big ass bottles of Smirnoff - Stan

Virgo:an expired condom - Clyde

Libra: Thomas the t̶a̶n̶k̶ dank engine - Gregory

Scorpio: The bee movie - Butters

Sagittarius: 4 packets of ketchup - Craig

Capricorn: a birthday cake that is on fire - Damien

Aquarius: A whole season of My Little Pony - Christophe

Pisces: a old, beaten up PS4 that is like 2 years old - Kyle


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