Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Bonjour," I said, giving them a peace sign, which was completely out of character for me. "Uh... Je ne parle pas bien français?" I attempted to speak in their language, earning an eruption of laughter from them.

"It's alright! We all speak English!" A young boy said with a toothy grin. I wiped my brow with dramatic effect.

"Oh, thank god, I was worried there!" I laughed, looking at Val with a smile on my face.

"We can't believe it's really you!" A girl said, who had short green hair. "You're like a gay icon here! We love that you don't care who you are!" She said with a smile. I furrowed my brows, honestly confused by her words. I looked at the kids, realizing that they were of the LGBT community. "How long have you two been together? Is she also a model?" She said quickly looking to Val now. Val blushed, holding up her hands.

"Nope... Uh..." Before I could even think about it, pictures were being flashed in my face.

"Come on guys!" I yelled, annoyed by the flash of lights in my face now, but they were relentless... then, as I looked over, I could see more people running over, their phones out. I bit the side of my cheek in annoyance. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind this side of fame... but I was literally out with Val... "Come on, Valerie!" I said, grabbing her by the wrist and pushing past the eager teens.

"Wait! We just wanted to ask a few questions!" They exclaimed, following us. My brows creased, never experiencing anything like this before. I mean... models were famous... but we never were harassed as much as movie stars or musicians.

We ran for what I assumed was a few blocks, weaving in and out of traffic. After a few moments though, their voices fell behind us thankfully. We ducked into a small café, catching our breaths. Valerie leaned against the wall, clutching her chest. "What... the... fuck...." She said breathlessly. I shook my head, confused myself. "Since when does that happen?"

"It doesn't... I'm really confused... That one kid said I was a gay icon?" I said, confused beyond all belief. Val raised her brow towards me, then looking towards the café filled with customers. I waved awkwardly, smiling as well. "Sorry..." I said bashfully. I looked to Val who offered me a sympathetic smile. I watched as she walked up to the counter.

"Hungry?" She smiled over her shoulder, looking back to all the delicious looking food. I rolled my eyes playfully, walking up next to the girl. But, why had they said that...?


After we ate our fill of delicious French food, we headed back out onto the streets of Paris. I wasn't sure what do to now, seeing as how I wasn't much of an entertainer. When I was here before, I rarely had time to do much of anything... but there was one thing I loved to do. I loved museums, especially art museums. I looked down to Val who was looking at her phone.

"Well, apparently Oswald isn't feeling too well." She murmured, rubbing the back of her neck as she put her phone back into her pocket. I nearly forgot about Oswald to be quite honest. I wasn't used to having a pet in my life.

"What's wrong with him? He's at Randy's, right?" I asked, concern laced in my voice. Just because I forgot about the cutie didn't mean I didn't care about his wellbeing. She interlocked her fingers once more as we fell into step with each other.

"I guess he hasn't been eating much at all lately. I've been so busy with just... everything at work and life..." Her words fell short as she sighed, "I need to make time for him. He's getting pretty old and he does mean the world to me." She laughed awkwardly, looking up at me for a short moment. My brows connected as I noticed the emotion in her eyes that flickered briefly. I never realized how much this little guy meant to her. "I'm being dumb, it's around noon, is there anything you want to do before we have to meet up at the party?" She asked, attempting to mask her sadness.

"You can be upset, you know," I interjected, pulling her towards a railing that was against the Seine River. "I never realized how much he meant to you," I added, leaning my back against the rail. She stood close to me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I think I was around twelve or thirteen when my mom actually surprised me with him." She smiled sadly, obviously the memory of her mother playing a role in her current mood. "He was this cute, very tiny, fur-ball. My mom had a co-worker who bred them. But that's not really important." She rolled her eyes at herself. I swallowed the knot that had apparently grown in my throat. She took a deep breath, clapping her hands to the front of her, "Anyway, I guess he's the last part of my mom that I have." She said, her eyes falling away from reality as she twirled the necklace in between her fingers. "Well, that and this." She said looking down at the piece. "But Oswald, he's my little guy." She looked up at me, a blank expression on her face, "What if he's sick?"

"Why don't you ask Randy to bring him to the vet?" I suggested, trying to offer any form of helpfulness I could muster. I watched as the corner of her mouth fell slightly.

"I mean I guess," Her eyes shifted slightly, "But, I'm not there, I don't want to have him do something that's not his problem."

"He's your friend; he loves you. I'm sure he'd do it." I smiled, wrapping my arm around her shoulders, trying to be comforting as I possibly could. I felt her lean into me, noticing the pink of her cheeks.

"Why... are you being so nice to me, Lyndsey?" She asked, causing me to scrunch my nose at the way she said my name.

"I'm just trying to show you that I care about you." I blurted without thinking, "Oh Jesus, I'm sorry..."


"Because," I sighed outwardly, pulling away from her and moving away from the rail. I turned towards her, noticing the younger girl looked somewhat sad. "I just don't want to scare you away?" I chewed on the side of my cheek. "I just want to show you that you mean a lot to me. If it's too much, I can turn it down..." I said awkwardly, averting my gaze. I was shocked when her slender finger pushed my chin to meet her gaze. She was closer now, catching my breath in my throat. She didn't say anything though, just simply leaned in, without a care in the world. It was instinct; my eyes closing as her lips brushed lightly against my cheek. What I loved most about this, was that it was done differently. It wasn't like a mother kissing their child. It wasn't like a kiss amongst friends. As she pulled away, I could see the light color of pink grace her cheeks.

"I don't want you to turn it down." Was all she said as she offered a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her, loving the feeling that she was overwhelming me.

Author Note:

Sorry for it being short. Please VOTE and COMMENT.


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