After Finn finished I stood up and faced the others saying "This song I've loved ever since it came out because of how it meant to if any of you feel like i used to feel listen to the song carefully..."

(this is what she wore)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(this is what she wore)

"hit it" i say softly as the music  starts and i start to sing.

When i finished i took a breath before bowing and walking quickly to my seat besides Mike and since James was sick this week Tina. Slowly After Puck broke the silentence saying "I'm gonna sing my song now" making everyone nod and me saying "Please do"

When he finished and the bell rang I tried to leave but Mike took my wrist before pulling me into a hug and softly whispered "I love what you did Peyton..." slowly he pulled back and kissed my forehead before he continued "you did amazing...and you are so beautiful and crazy that i won't ever let you go so either way you don't have to try" I laughed and nodded before hugging him as he hugged me back.


When Kurt finished I had my mouth dropped and i stood up walking towards Kurt before slapping him across the face "Who the hell are you" i say Madly as Mike stands up taking my hand and holding me against him as i start tp the yell "What happened to the Kurt I used to know?! Cuz if this  is the new kurt i don't want to be apart of his life! All i see right now in front of me is a coward changing for someone who isn't worth it! and this is about ANYTHING with finn and your father then i really don't know who you are"

the bell rings but no one leaves so mike picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and the last thing i say is "Kurt is better than this you coward!" with James and Tina following after us and now Tina covering my mouth to shush me.


As I walk in the halls and se Puck check out Santana I walk straight towards Puck and Pull him by the collar before pushing him against the lockers "What the hell was that Puckerman?" I say looking at him dead in the eye as the students walking stop and take videos or on live.

He puts his hands up saying "what was what?" he asked acting innocent but I push him against the lockers more as I ask once more "You checking out Santana when you're dating Mercedes." I sigh letting go of him and pulling back before continuing "if you break Mercedes heart i'll Hurt you more then you've every felt" I flip my hair walking away sassily and slightly annoyed how everyone is in the glee club.


When the song ended I shake my head as mike leans in whispering "What's up with them?" I lean my head against his shoulder answering back "Puck checked out Santana and now the two are fighting. why would they even fight over an asshole like him?" i ask as i pull my feet off of james lap on to my chair I'm still sitting on. "Maybe great in bed?" Mike said making me laugh as i push him away saying "You dirty minded boy" but he says back "yeah but you love me" i nod slowly as i kiss his cheek.


I was sitting in the chair by Sean's window facing the window so when Rachel and Jellyfish came in they wouldn't see me. I stayed quiet until i heard Sean say "Got a Boyfriend, Rachel?" before she could answer i turned i chair placing my feet on his bed besides his hands answering for her "Yeah with the ass i was talking about earlier Seanween. Jessie. And to top it off he's ignoring her cuz what she did" i covered my mouth trying to hold in a laugh as Rachel stares at me with confusion, mad, and surprised mixed together.

"Ohhhhh she's Blueberry?" Sean asks me and i nod saying "yep and Blueberry fits her well" i laugh making Sean laugh as well. When we finished laughing i stood up stretching making Sean say "Sometimes i wished you didn't have a boyfriend" i laugh before kissing his forehead and cheek saying "well maybe you'll find another girl who's better then me but that will never happen cuz I'm me"

I brag once again filling the room with laughter and when finished i fist bumped Sean saying "Well since you have more guess ill be leaving but i'll see you later Seanween" I say waving at Jellyfish and Rachel as well as Sean before shutting the door for them to do their chat. Once i was put the room Sean's mom hugged and whispered "Thanks for being here even though you haven't known us long" I just shook my head and hugged back saying "It's okay....i'll be back next week" She nods before letting me go home.


The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora